Awal dari segala hal oleh Aryion nbsp overview quotThe cerita interaktif pertama di Aryionquot 257 halaman. Job Training oleh Aryion nbsp overview quotBeginning sebuah pekerjaan baru. Klik 11 halaman The Lost City oleh Aryion nbsp overview quotAdventure awaitsquot 5 halaman. Keputusan, Keputusan Oleh Aryion nbsp ikhtisar quotWhich satu akan itu bequot 268 halaman. Sharues Realm oleh Aryion nbsp overview quotInteractive story dari foxyquot 165 halaman. Dalam Den Lions oleh Aryion nbsp ikhtisar quotWhat Anda akan lari ke halaman 342 halaman. Vore Movie Adventures oleh Aryion nbsp overview quotMovie come alivequot 22 pages. Dari Ruang oleh Aryion nbsp overview quot. Klik 15 halaman Fox McCloud Vore Story oleh Aryion nbsp overview quotAnother video game interactive storyquot 19 pages. Anal Vore World oleh Aryion nbsp overview quotSee titlequot 58 halaman. Impian Masa Kecil Datang ke Hidup oleh Aryion nbsp overview quotLets lihat bagaimana ternyata kali ini sekitar. quot 9 halaman. Feral oleh Saiai nbsp overview quotYears dari sekarang, Anda mulai bekerja di fasilitas senjata biologis remote RampD. Hanya untuk mengetahui bahwa sebagian besar senjata itu sebenarnya, buram monstersquot 44 halaman. Tyamets Vore Adventure oleh Tyamet2000 nbsp overview quotTold pada orang ketiga, kendalikan ceritanya dan lihat apa yang terjadi pada penyihir gadis kadal dan menggoda, Tyamet. quot 222 halaman. Istana Kirotas oleh Kanosint nbsp overview quotAll jenis bulu berbulu di istana horselord Kirota, dan pasangannya, Alexis. Harap tetap kekejaman seminimal mungkin, dan jangan lakukan gore. quot 25 halaman. Dunia Vorecraft oleh Tyamet2000 nbsp overview quotBecome pred atau mangsa di dunia fantasi ini. Bagian terbaik Tidak ada keraguan bulanan 530 halaman. Feral II: Wabah oleh Saiai nbsp overview quotWelcome untuk umat manusia. Jangan merasa terlalu nyaman, kita mungkin tidak akan lama lagi. Quot 46 halaman. Ke Portal oleh BradRepko nbsp overview quot melangkah ke Portal dan masuk ke dunia di mana ada sesuatu yang dapat dimakan dan semua orang kelaparan. Untuk youquot 10 halaman Tyamets Adventure 2 oleh Tyamet2000 nbsp sekilas pandang. Penyihir kadal sombong ada lagi. Yang satu ini akan mendapat lebih banyak cerita, bukan cerita acak. (Tentu saja, jika Anda INGIN menambahkan pilihan itu, silakan lihat.) Quot 24 halaman. Pengorbanan oleh Malus nbsp overview Quote Dalam mitos kuno dulu ada banyak cerita tentang monster, yang harus ditenangkan oleh pengorbanan manusia. Kali ini sudah lama berlalu, tapi. Quot 30 halaman. Love Naga oleh Vincentchan nbsp overview quotWecome ke naga naga. Dimana hal yang Anda sukai atau makan. quot 294 halaman. Metroid Attack oleh Author nbsp overview quotSamus Aran adalah buronan dari Federation. Pulihkan Suapan Daya penuhnya dan bersihkan nama Anda untuk selamanya (berlangsung setelah Metroid Fusion) dengan angka 34 halaman. Di Persimpangan Jalan oleh ThornApple nbsp overview quotThe kisah sederhana tentang nasib bintang tanpa nama. Ditulis di orang kedua. 30 halaman. Di luar titik tidak bisa kembali oleh Blackraven nbsp overview quotwarning - boleh jadi orang-orang gorila Saya mencoba menyelesaikan salah satu jalan yang mungkin ada dari cerita tersebut, namun harus memotongnya pada paruh waktu iklan pendek. Saya akan melanjutkannya disana Jangan ragu untuk mengisi pilihan lain untuk sementara waktu (terutama 2 lomba berburu yang mungkin dan hasilnya - mungkin menyenangkan) Mungkin itu mungkin untuk mencerminkan ceritanya, karena memiliki pohon pilihan yang sama untuk predal dan mangsa yang paling sedikit saya coba. Mungkin Anda bisa menyimpan simetri ini) yang fun. quot 23 halaman. Potong ke Ukuran oleh Mellorine nbsp overview quotYour house adalah pengalaman berbahaya saat Anda seukuran semut. Apalagi saat ada yang terlibat. Tanya 332 halaman. VoreQuest oleh Seras nbsp overview quotThe RPG terbaru, VoreQuest, memiliki beberapa konten yang agak menarik. (Hanya contoh praktik penulisan fiksi saya.))) 84 halaman. Ultimate Vore Quest 1 oleh wolfking313 nbsp overview quotYou adalah Eridor, si serigala yang memilih untuk menjadi mangsa atau pemangsa. Semua itu lunak dan tidak ada kotoran seksual. Ini akan mengguncang kaus kaki tanpa jatah 101 halaman. Petualang Terkadang oleh KavenBach nbsp overview quotA wanita muda misterius muncul di tengah hutan yang mematikan. Dan menghadapi banyak jenis vore. Wanita vore, dan PERINGATAN: Saya tidak akan menghindar dari seks atau menanduk. Jangan ragu untuk menambahkannya --- Saya membiarkan bagian terbuka dengan sengaja --- asalkan Anda mengikuti kisah asli kisah tersebut. AKU akan menghapus barang Scat atau barang di bawah umur yang kebetulan kutemukan. Kalau tidak aku percaya ada yang pergi. Oh, saya berhak menghapus grammar mengerikan juga. Dan, jika Anda suka ini interaktif, tolong beritahu saya dengan tahu 64 halaman. Hidupku sebagai Voraphile Remaja oleh BradRepko nbsp overview quotAn terbuka berakhir vore interaktif berdasarkan cerita penulisan dengan judul yang sama. quot 8 halaman. Just a Little Camping Trip oleh Mellorine nbsp overview quotCamping di hutan yang dikelilingi oleh semua jenis kehidupan liar bisa sangat berisiko. Apalagi jika kamu lebih kecil dari biasanya. Quot 49 halaman. Ginlokwen Ancadur oleh Lamnia nbsp overview quotA cerita pertama, baik untuk saya, tapi juga mengenalkan dunia game saya. 19 halaman. Naga atau Putri oleh elitadraconia nbsp overview quotA cerita di mana Anda memilih cuaca yang Anda inginkan untuk menjadi naga yang tidak pernah berkelana di luar batas terowongan di dalam gua atau putri yang tersesat dan mencoba menemukan jalan pulangnya. quot 70 halaman . Kebun Binatang oleh Guest nbsp overview quotYou masuk ke Kebun Binatang, baik dengan teman Anda, atau sendiri. Anda ingin melihat binatang, dan anak laki-laki, apakah mereka senang bertemu dengan Anda. kirimkan 56 halaman. Krystal di Planet Vore oleh Tyamet2000 nbsp overview quotHaving crash-mendarat di dunia alien srange, Krystal dari tim StarFox, harus berusaha bertahan cukup lama untuk mendapatkan bantuan. Tapi bisakah dia, bila ada begitu banyak predator lapar 134 halaman. Petualang Terkadang: Kediaman oleh KavenBach nbsp overview quotA kelanjutan Petualang Terkadang yang Tidak Biasa. Kali ini gadis malang itu akhirnya mengerut dan berusaha mati-matian untuk melarikan diri dari sebuah rumah besar yang penuh dengan predator lapar dan horny. Wanita vore, kekerasan, seks, hard vore, dll. Dont say saya tidak memperingatkan Anda. Jangan ragu untuk menambahkan barang fetish lainnya jika Anda mau, tapi saya akan menghapus Scat atau underage-isme yang terang-terangan yang saya temukan, dan juga tulisan yang tidak lengkap. Selama halaman Anda sesuai dengan semangat alur cerita asli Anda seharusnya baik-baik saja. Oh, dan, jika Anda senang membaca tentang Interaktif ini, tolong beritahu saya dengan jelas 78 halaman. Solusi untuk frustrasi Voratious oleh Moo nbsp overview quotLike situasi vore tertentu Dapatkah Anda menggambarkannya dengan baik Add it in dan membuat seluruh masyarakat sangat bahagia. Dquot 43 halaman. StarFox Vore oleh FatalTragedy2004 nbsp overview quotChoose karakter StarFox dan mintalah mereka mengalami dunia vorequot 31 halaman. Saudara perempuan saya Mansion oleh elitadraconia nbsp overview quotPilihan pertama yang Anda dapatkan akan menentukan hubungan Anda dengan saudara perempuan Anda, kepribadiannya, teman-temannya, teman Anda, kejadian masa lalu dan hal-hal lain lainnya. Tata letak rumah akan tetap sama terlepas dari pilihan awal Anda sekalipun. (Akan berisi UB, AV, soft vore dan beberapa adegan scattish) dengan 41 halaman. Martin Mystery oleh Guest nbsp overview quotAbout dia melemparkan anggota showquot 5 halaman. Raja yang tak terlihat oleh geofrey nbsp overview quotYou adalah raja. Tidak ada yang tahu, tapi Anda memerintah negara medievil ini, mari kita lihat bagaimana Anda melakukannya. 132 halaman. Kisah Pokemon oleh Halcyon nbsp overview quotChoose a Pokemon (atau tambahkan satu, jika tidak ada) dan lanjutkan petualangan Anda sendiri. Merasa bebas untuk menambahkan apapun yang Anda inginkan, terutama jika Pokemon Anda suka arent di sana. Inti Eka pertamaku Cerita: quot 1684 halaman 65 Striking Cobras oleh Drunken05 nbsp overview Tidak jauh dari hari ini, gelombang serangan menyebar di dunia yang tidak ekspluen. 26 halaman. Gotham Girls oleh geofrey nbsp overview quotYou telah ditangkap oleh poison Ivy. Berapa lama Anda hidup tanpa lebur dicerna, dan kesenangan apa yang akan Anda dapatkan sepanjang halaman 72 halaman. Tanggal oleh turdisman nbsp overview quotwat terjadi ketika seorang bocah kucing tampan berkencan dengan mouse girlquot 15 halaman. Predator oleh turdisman nbsp overview quotcan Anda menjadikannya sebagai predatorquot 16 halaman. Voreology oleh Hypnotist nbsp overview quotYou dapat memilih banyak karakter. Catatan: Soft vore, no sex dan lebih baik live vore. Klik 52 halaman Datang usia. Oleh Ansem-The-Wise nbsp overview quotYouve berubah delapan belas, yang di desa Anda berarti saatnya bagi Anda untuk membuat jalan di dunia. quot 9 halaman. Makan. Atau dimakan oleh pineapple111 nbsp overview quotThere banyak pilihan untuk nasib Anda di dunia bizzare ini dihuni oleh furries. quot 43 halaman. Hunter Menjadi Yang Diburu oleh Tyamet2000 nbsp overview quotYou akan memutuskan bagaimana cerita tentang Cassidy, seorang pemburu vixen muda, berakhir. Akankah dia membunuh Raja Werewolf, atau akankah dia makan untuk salah satu makhluk jahat yang berkeliaran di hutan pada malam hari Anda memutuskan untuk mengumpulkan 14 halaman. Old Grey City oleh Lamnia nbsp overview quotA city adventure, setting hari modern dengan twist. quot 55 halaman. Kecilkan di halaman belakang rumah Anda oleh Rufus nbsp overview quotShrunk turun sampai 2 inci di halaman belakang rumah Anda sendiri, bisakah Anda menjauhkan diri dari hewan lapar, liar atau domestik 17 halaman. Ke perut binatang oleh Swallow-nya nbsp overview quotAn Cerita vore interaktif tentang seorang gadis berusia 19 tahun bernama Amandaquot 17 halaman. Hewan disentuh oleh gambaran umum nbsp quotHumans dan hewan hidup berdampingan sekarang, yaitu sampai manusia benar-benar bersentuhan dengan mereka..kuat 4 halaman. Oleon oleh ouphe nbsp overview quotUnfortunate petualang di dunia setan. (Baik - SoftHard vore, sex, NC, snuff, gore, brutality. Bad - Analcock vore, unbirthing, watersports), 16 halaman. Vore-Pocalypse oleh Carni-vore nbsp overview quotTwo adik-adik mencoba untuk bertahan hidup di dunia yang diserang oleh mahluk lapar. quot 117 halaman. Forest Guardian oleh AviOnyx nbsp overview quotCari tahu apa yang terjadi ketika ibu alam menyewa tentara bayaran. quot 11 halaman. The Endo Squad Fight Kembali oleh FoxGuy nbsp overview quotEarth telah diambil alih oleh saurians asing dan sampai empat remaja untuk menempatkan mereka di tempat mereka. Dengan membiarkan diri mereka dimakan 2 halaman. Castle Blackmoon oleh kernac nbsp overview quotYou terbangun di istana yang tidak diketahui, Anda tidak tahu bagaimana Anda sampai di sana, kepalamu sakit. Apa yang terjadi dengan Anda Jelajahi istana misterius dan cobalah menemukan jalan keluar Anda, sebagai seorang gadis atau sebagai anak laki-laki. quot 35 halaman. Bartender di Second Life Vore Club oleh EdwardLapine nbsp overview quotTake perannya sebagai Timothy, seorang bartender kelinci di sebuah klub yang agak aneh yang disebut Second Life Vore Club. quot 23 halaman. MuckGuts Dungeon of Vore oleh Slimemaw nbsp overview quotPlay sebagai kontestan melalui lima tingkat dan berharap jika Anda tidak menang Anda bisa makan quickquot 61 halaman. Genosoft oleh Drunken05 nbsp overview quotYou baru saja memulai pekerjaan baru sebagai satpam di gedung perkantoran. Namun setiap bisnis memiliki rahasia gelapnya. 6 halaman. Petualangan di Hyrule oleh Crownflame nbsp overview quotA IS didasarkan pada berbagai karakter dan situasi dalam seri Legend of Zelda. Pilihlah karakter dan lihatlah apa yang menjadi dirimu. Ini akan mengandung variasi barang yang bagus, tapi tidak ada ayam, dubur atau tidak lahir. Juga, saya tidak keberatan beberapa adegan seks, tapi tolong simpan seminimal mungkin, kay Rincian lebih lanjut di halaman pertama. quot 5 halaman. Flygons Journey oleh dragonsgullet nbsp overview quotIn area dimana dia tinggal, makan atau dimakan (atau mati kelaparan) untuk Flygon. quot 7 halaman. Turun di Peternakan oleh sekilas nmap Slimemaw quotYou memenangkan peternakan di kontesquot 10 halaman. Kue spesial yang sangat spesial oleh Blackraven2 nbsp overview quotAjana seorang deertaur hidup dengan naga yang kebetulan adalah ilmuwan gila. Dia juga baru saja mengembangkan keinginan untuk kue mewah. Tapi apakah Ajanaquot 17 halaman. Godaan oleh firedrake63 nbsp overview quotvore - hanya opaset sex soft vore, tidak ada anel, unbirthing, atau jenis lain dari vore aneh. (Dan dengan seks oppaset saya hanya bermaksud mf atau fm tidak ada cowok yang memakan cowok atau cewek yang sedang makan cewek) semua tidak berbahaya. Dan detail akhir, banyak detail, dan jika sama sekali membiarkan para charector utama bertahan karena saya tidak menyukai lemak, itu semua selain itu tidak ada deskripsi nyata yang saya cenderung untuk membuat cerita saat saya pergi bersama. Quot 69 halaman. Dingbats Day Off: Aekallia Interaktif oleh jkssmtrfkr nbsp overview quotYou adalah seorang mahasiswa nano berukuran dua inci yang mencari tempat yang bagus dan sepi untuk belajar paruh waktu di hari libur Anda. Namun, di setiap kesempatan, Anda mendapati diri Anda dikelilingi oleh predator lapar yang memiliki rencana lain untuk Anda. Quot 85 halaman. Furnis Mansion oleh Iyeru nbsp overview quotFurnis Mansion dibuat Interactive. Cerita ini tentang Anda, di sebuah rumah besar yang dipenuhi pelayan segala jenis, dan dua penilik yang sibuk. ORANG KEDUA HANYA NO MALE GIANTSquot 28 halaman. The Forest of Shadows oleh ElZilcho nbsp overview Quote Pada pagi yang cerah, seorang gadis muda dipaksa untuk membuat keputusan yang bisa mengakhiri hidupnya - atau lebih buruk lagi. Kutip 7 halaman Pilihan oleh Stevaloo5 nbsp overview quotEverything Anda pilih, semua yang Anda lakukan, mempengaruhi apa yang muncul di depan halaman 80 halaman. Pergi oleh Orenthes nbsp ikhtisar quotI senang untuk orang-orang yang menyukai ini. Tapi saya telah pindah dan terus terang saya tidak lagi tertarik dengan cerita ini. 17 halaman. Terjebak di Nruezo 3 oleh sekilas nmap Slimemaw quotYou menemukan diri Anda terjebak di planet Nruezo 3quot 22 halaman. Kematian yang menarik oleh pandangan Wierdost nbsp Kutipan diri Anda di sebuah bar Anda harus menolak beberapa perusahaan panas atau dikonsumsi. quot 113 halaman. Cerita yang sarat. Oleh Humbug nbsp overview quotThis adalah cerita yang dibuat sebagai ujian perizinan. Mungkin atau mungkin tidak akan dihapus nanti. quot 6 pages. Sesaat saja waktumu Oleh Guest nbsp overview quotAp Diposting oleh seorang pedagang jalanan misterius, Anda memulai perjalanan yang aneh, indah, dan sangat singkat. Quot 3 halaman. Putri Mischievous of Zora oleh Shadowblaze nbsp overview quotSebagai magang muda Knight of Hyrule di bawah pimpinan Raja, Anda harus menemukan Ruto, Putri Zora yang hilang. Tapi apakah dia benar-benar tersesat seperti dia (termasuk - Soft vore, sex, unbirth, digestion, tolong jangan termasuk - gore, hard vore, scat. Terima kasih) quot 4 halaman. Krystals Body oleh Kinne nbsp overview quotMade untuk seorang teman yang ide harus menjadi alur cerita lengkap pertama. Tolong tambahkan, semua orang menyukai Krystal. Tapi jangan pergi terlalu berat di storyline please. quot 57 halaman. Quest for The Orb of Drulgath oleh LordStorm nbsp overview quotIf Baron lokal membutuhkan artefak magis yang baru ditemukan dari kehancuran tua. Siapa yang akan dia sebut Dikatakan dari orang ketiga memilih wanita peramal yang berani menunggangi kayu Goblin yang penuh, Rawa Blightwater yang busuk dan reruntuhannya sendiri. Akankah mereka bertahan atau makan malam untuk beasties yang menghalangi mereka. (Saat ini ada empat cewek yang bisa dipilih. Tiga karakter saya dan Omegas Dark Elf Kalili tapi Ill menambahkan lebih jika ini akhirnya populer. Jangan ragu untuk menambahkan dan Saya mencoba menambahkan setidaknya satu bab setiap hari. Sedangkan untuk peraturan tidak ada yang menarik atau tidak beralasan atau Anal Vore. Itu seharusnya dilakukan dan disambut)) 53 halaman. Pilih Vore Anda oleh Kimera nbsp overview quotThis Interactive akan menjadi arsip untuk diri saya dan teman seperti karakter mana yang bisa saya lakukan. Dan seperti apa perut mereka. Juga saya akan menambahkan storyso sehingga Anda bisa merasakan apa yang karakter saya sukai. quot 9 halaman. Survive Vore City oleh Fenris nbsp overview Quote Anda bangun untuk menemukan diri Anda berada di tengah kota, Dunia telah berubah menjadi tempat yang gelap seperti di sekitar Anda, Anda melihat warga miskin dimakan dimakan atau dimasak hidup oleh berbagai makhluk. Anda harus bertahan dari ini. Klik 52 halaman Pokemon Vore Adventure oleh PachirisuAndAsmodeus nbsp overview quotYou bangun sebagai pokemon di dunia pokemon dimana aturannya makan atau dimakan. Maukah kamu bertahan sampai 1997 halaman. KATS SWAT oleh trigger12 nbsp overview quotInteractive vore staory. Tidak ada kematian, tidak ada kotoran, dan tidak ada asam dan hanya OralAnalgenital yang diperbolehkan. quot 10 halaman. The Dragontaur Heros oleh Generationslayer nbsp overview quotWelcome to Laven. Di sini Anda bisa bermain tiga Dragontaurs Laven yang sangat glutoness dimana setiap monster ada dalam daftar. Lihat halaman awal untuk details. quot 10 halaman. Nagas dan manusia. Oleh naruto7568426 nbsp overview quotStrange portal muncul di seluruh bumi, nagas datang melalui dan menghancurkan dan memakan 17 halaman dunia. Code Geass GTS Vore Unbirthing oleh naruto7568426 nbsp overview quotAn interaktif sebagai salah satu karakter dari Code Geass. quot 11 halaman. CaveGirl Misadventures oleh Fenris nbsp overview quotYou adalah Cavegirl berambut gagah cantik di tanah biadab yang hilang ke seluruh dunia. Klik 8 halaman Teman-teman sial oleh madhatterplus nbsp overview quotJacob mengira naga hitamnya Benevolence akan dapat melindunginya dari predator saat mereka memulai perjalanan mereka demi keberuntungan dan kemuliaan. Apa yang dia gagal sadari adalah naga tidak terlalu tinggi dalam rantai makanan Ianmears. (Cerita interaktif untuk semua penggemar tur lengkap di luar sana.) Mengutip 6 halaman. 13:00 oleh Thunderclese4 nbsp overview quotA Gadis muda bernama Ash dihapus dari dimensi dirinya sendiri dan dimasukkan ke dalam anime, acara TV, Video Game, atau Comic. Semuanya telah vore juga. Quot 13 halaman. Selamat datang di Agency oleh Pegadygor nbsp overview quotA berkunjung ke lembaga yang tidak menyenangkan yang disebut quotVore Agencyquot (ATURAN: Hampir semuanya berjalan Tapi: 1: Fan-characters dalam bentuk apapun hanya diizinkan dengan seizin saya, jadi tidak ada digimon, pokemon, karakter animemangacomic Tanpa bertanya terlebih dahulu 2: Tidak ada pembajakan terhadap karakter orang lain yang membuat mereka bertindak melawan preferensi mereka tanpa izin pemilik.3: Beri peringatan ke dalam pilihan, jika mereka tidak cukup jelas, maka orang dapat berhenti membaca untuk memilih jalur yang berbeda. quot 8 pages Dorong ke Dunia Vore oleh Goddes of vamps666 nbsp overview quotTeens harus mengatasi dengan didorong ke dunia yang nyata. Quot 4 halaman. Just Another Diabaikan Interaktif oleh SuperSecretAlias nbsp overview quotObserve pengaturan buruk ditulis karena semua pilihan mengarah ke halaman kosong Sebuah pengalaman aryion yang benarquot 6 halaman. Kleacious Adventure oleh preid224 nbsp overview quotA remaja terjebak di sebuah pulau dengan giantess, nagas, dan seorang penarik. Apakah dia akan melarikan diri dari al Ive atau akankah dia menjadi mangsa Anda memutuskan. quot 24 halaman. Katrins tidak diinginkan Vore Adventure. Oleh BlueFox nbsp overview quotKatrin vixen seksi masuk ke beberapa situasi yang tidak menguntungkan. Klik 9 halaman Tome Tiny Tales oleh Mellorine nbsp overview quotSetelah Anda menemukan sebuah buku tua dengan cerita pendek tentang mikro yang dimakan oleh anthros dan feral tergeletak di sekitar rumah Anda. Its a reading menarik, tapi petualangan nyata dimulai ketika Anda menemukan diri Anda tersedot ke dalam halaman, dan tinggal di luar cerita menyusut. quot 4 halaman. Hukum Tenkos Macrovore interacitive oleh trigger12 nbsp overview quotLoosly Berbasis di suatu tempat dalam seri Hukum ueki di mana Anda bertemu dengan si Kuning sendiri. Hati-hati dengan apa yang Anda pilih. Pilihannya selalu seperti apa yang terlihat Tidak ada fetishes toilet, atau kematian, setiap orang lain adalah tujuan. Quot 30 halaman. Hollys Escape oleh WithaWill nbsp overview quotHolly tidak tahu bagaimana dia sampai di sini, atau di mana di sini sebenarnya. Bisakah Anda membantunya melarikan diri ke tempat yang aman Mengingat bahwa dia ditahan karena kehendaknya, hampir semua hal yang terjadi adalah non-consensual. quot 18 halaman. Keinginan paling gelap oleh arkher nbsp overview quotWhere Anda dapat menghayati hasrat Anda yang paling gelap. quot 17 halaman. Semua yang Anda Inginkan oleh falsename nbsp overview quotExactly apa judulnya, ini akan menjadi awal dari sebuah cerita baru di mana setiap dari jenis vore akan ditambahkan, dan setiap jenis cerita akan diceritakan, Anda dapat memilih di mana, Anda memilih bagaimana, dan Anda memilih bagaimana Anda memenuhi tujuan Anda. QuotBut bantuan Anda akan dibutuhkan jika Anda ingin membuat konsep ini sebanyak 39 halaman. Tiffanys Belly oleh JT nbsp overview quotTiffany, seorang gadis berusia 16 tahun yang imut dari SMA Westside. Shes seorang gadis imut, tapi tidak ada yang kurang, sepertinya tidak ada yang berbicara dengannya. Suatu hari, setelah hari yang buruk lagi dari sekolah sambil berjalan pulang, dia melihat sesuatu yang terbungkus kantong kertas di pinggir jalan. Berharap ada sesuatu untuk diminum, dia meraihnya, hanya untuk mengetahuinya, itu adalah pistol. Dia tidak memiliki rencana untuk bunuh diri, atau orang lain seperti ini sampai dia menemukannya tidak menembak peluru itu hanya mengecilkan barang. ATURAN: 1) Hanya Tiffany yang bisa menelan siapa saja atau menggunakan sinar menyusut. 2) Seks diperbolehkan Hanya seks dengan Tiffany sekalipun, tidak ada orang luar lainnya 3) Only Oral Soft Vore, tidak ada yang lain. 4) Tidak bisa membuat Tiffany mendapatkan £ 1000 lol jika tidak .. have funquot 6 halaman. Giant Taurs dan Furries sama-sama dengan nbsp overview quotSoftvore Id seperti, Tolong simpan vore rendah. Juga jika Anda ingin menggunakan hewan yang saya hendaki terdaftar atau mulai tempat Anda sendiri ikuti pilihan saya terlebih dahulu. Anda adalah pria atau wanita manusia, menemukan diri Anda sendiri Anda mulai melihat-lihat di chat room dan menemukan orang lain seperti Anda. Anda belajar bahwa mereka adalah eter yang berbulu atau taur (foxtaur, wolftaur, dll) laki-laki, perempuan atau betis dan lebih besar dari normal, karena ini mereka keluar dari gips. Anda membayar mereka rompi, juga menemukan bahwa lutut eter atau perut Anda tinggi. Anda berdua ether hit it off sebagai teman atau Anda menjadi makanan mereka. Pilihan yang harus Anda ingat: Serigala, Furry, Wolftaur, pria, wanita, herm, Grey, Timber, Arktik, Ukuran Anda setinggi lutut, tinggi perut, Ramah, Anda sedang makan. Anjing, Furry, Dogtaur, pria, wanita, herm, Husky, Gembala Jerman, Ukuran Anda setinggi lutut, tinggi perut, Ramah, Anda sedang makan. Fox, Furry, Foxtaur, male, female, herm, Grey, Red, Sib (lihat urlsibfoxSibfoxsurl), Ukuran Anda setinggi lutut, tinggi perut, Ramah, Anda adalah meal. quot 711 halaman. The Hunt oleh Dahso nbsp overview quotYou harus memilih loyalitas Anda dan memilihnya dengan baik. Anda akan memulai sebagai pemimpin bangsamu, apakah Anda memimpin faksi Anda untuk dimuliakan dengan perut penuh atau Anda menyebabkan mereka kalah total, tidak lebih dari gaji untuk pesaing Anda didasarkan pada Anda. Angkat senjata apakah itu batu hasil kerajinan kasar atau gigi murni dan cakar dan pertaruhkan untuk kemuliaan, ketenaran, dan yang terpenting, sarana hidup, makanan. quot 37 halaman. Mengecilkan Ukuran oleh Deathworks nbsp overview quotResurrection dari macrophile lama saya yang interaktif dari cerita (hanya bab yang saya tulis sendiri) Anda adalah John Stone yang berusia 21 tahun. Hidup sudah sangat kusam sejauh ini, sampai Anda tiba-tiba menyusut sampai setengah inci. Tiba-tiba, sekitar normal Anda menjadi sangat berbahaya, dan tidak ada yang tahu Anda ada di sana. Jadi, apakah Anda akan bertahan Hal-hal mulai di universitas tempat Anda belajar bersama teman Anda, beberapa di antaranya perempuan dan cukup tampan. Anda bukan tipe yang saleh, jadi Anda mungkin bisa memanfaatkan situasi baru itu. (Perkembangan yang aneh disambut baik karena hukum fisik konten seksual mungkin tidak sesuai dengan keinginan tidak ada seks gay laki-laki) dengan 59 halaman. Aliens. Oleh The Swarm nbsp overview quotMy atempt pertama secara interaktif, setanya di alam semesta alien. Ubah ceritanya dalam apa pun yang Anda inginkan, semua jenis vore diperbolehkan. 30 halaman. Menemukan Naalia oleh Guest nbsp overview quotWelcome to the world of Naalia. Disini mengintai banyak pemangsa yang berbahaya, di sini terdapat gerombolan mangsa paling lezat yang bisa Anda dapatkan. Dan ada banyak hal yang bisa dijelajahi di sini, musafir - tapi apakah Anda menghadapi tantangan (Peringatan: mengandung pencernaan non-grafis.) Sebanyak 71 halaman. Sepertinya Trouble oleh Trouble nbsp overview quotYour hilang di hutan, hindari hewan besar, tanaman raksasa, dan monyet lapar nakal 4 halaman. Game oleh Wellwhy nbsp overview quotThis akan menjadi cerita interaktif segala sesuatunya mungkin, hanya saja allel meninggalkan pilihan adalah karakter akan surivive hanya bagi mereka yang mungkin tidak menyukai hasil dari pilihan lain dan menjadi serius, saya akan menghapus apapun yang tidak penting 7 halaman Amber Valentine oleh dezzykitsune nbsp overview Quote Ikuti jalan dan alur cerita seorang wanita muda yang berada di tempat yang salah pada waktu yang salah. Nasibnya ditentukan oleh keputusanmu. Cari tahu masa lalu wanita menjadi hibrida. Balas dendam atau terima pilihan ada padamu. Cerita berikut akan membahas semua aspek di dalamnya dengan sedikit kekerasan di dalamnya juga. Setiap bab memiliki pilihan yang bisa Anda buat tapi terserah Anda untuk memutuskan bagaimana Amber bisa keluar dari kehidupan ini. Ini adalah proyek pertamaku sehingga setiap umpan balik akan bagus. quot 11 halaman. Hotel Vorafilia oleh DT5459 nbsp overview quotAs di hotel California - Anda dapat checkout tapi Anda tidak pernah bisa meninggalkan (setidaknya tidak tercerna.) Kutipan 12 halaman. Como sobreviver a um ataque de um predador oleh bonberjean nbsp overview quotum manual divertido sobre como reagir ao ver um predadorquot 7 halaman. The Elemental Plane oleh Rowan nbsp overview quotFive ratus tahun yang lalu, dua peradaban kuno yang pernah hidup dalam harmoni saling berubah menjadi perang. Dua ratus tahun kemudian perang berakhir, dan bangsa yang menang menjadi rusak karena keserakahan dan kekuasaan, sementara pecahan yang dikalahkan pergi ke sana menghancurkan rumah. Seiring berlalunya waktu, para pemenang perang mulai menyebar ke sana pengaruh terhadap negara-negara lain, sementara mereka tidak melawan, mereka tetap kuat, dan mempertahankan kekuatan bahkan setelah pengaruh pemenang menyebar. Sekarang bangsa-bangsa kembali tegang karena seorang nabi telah mengungkapkan datangnya kekuatan baru yang besar yang akan membawa harapan bagi semua bangsa. Tapi saat itu belum sampai. Untuk saat ini, kita sering melakukan perjalanan di antara dan menjalani kehidupan orang-orang yang hidup (atau mati) sekarang. (Ini adalah semacam prekuel untuk sebuah cerita dalam pembuatannya, ini tidak ada hubungannya dengan vore itu sendiri tapi itu tidak berarti itu tidak ada. Saya hanya meminta Anda memberi tahu saya sebelum menambahkan sesuatu yang Anda anggap meragukan tentang plot atau Hal-hal yang tidak perlu Anda khawatirkan: Soft Vore, Soul Vore, Unbirth, Vaginal Vore, Guro (bukan hard vore sekalipun, hanya sejumlah besar darah), payudara, seks, keintiman dalam bentuk apapun dan saya pikir itu , Jika tidak terdaftar kirimi saya sampel, dan saya mempertimbangkannya sebelum memberikannya oke juga, mohon deskriptif, tidak, main permainan sederhana, saya ingin melihat setidaknya sedikit emosi di luar sana. Plot. Ill menjelaskan bahwa lebih dalam. quot 9 halaman pokemon perang oleh miller100 nbsp overview quotThers sebuah perang terjadi. setiap sisi pred but mangsa sedang berjalan rendah. memilih sisi dan pokemon Anda dan biarkan pertarungan dimulai dari 5 halaman. Planet Carnivore Oleh stevebat nbsp overview quotyou seorang musafir ruang malang telah mendarat di sebuah planet yang bermusuhan hampir semuanya Ingin memakanmu atau lebih buruk lagi Catatan quotauthors: aturan saja tidak ada scatwatersports. quot quot 4 halaman. Pasukan payung 213 oleh barryburton nbsp gambaran kuota tentang sebuah divisi pasukan payung yang terdiri dari semua wanita (28 wanita bersama-sama) ATURAN: hanya dengan lembut lisan saja, jika Anda ingin ada Anda bisa memiliki pencernaan, tidak berhubungan seks, dan hanya pasukan yang memangsa Jadi tolong jangan ketik yang mereka makan eachother (tidak ada hardvore anyways tapi tetap) pasukan mendarat di sebuah pulau saat pesawat mereka mogok karena apapun (dua pilihan FTW) Anda diperbolehkan untuk menambahkan bila Anda peduli ikuti saja rulesquot 9 halaman. Old Japan by One yang mengikuti nbsp overview quotSet up di Ninja Vs Samurai hari tapi dengan twist. (FUbn ref.) Kebanyakan UB. Buat alur cerita saya sendiri untuk yang satu ini yang hanya sedikit terkait dengan fubn. 3. Cerita ini sedang menatap versi 16 tahun dari diri Anda. Saya tidak yakin bagaimana hal itu akan berakhir tapi saya sekarang dekat dari dunsquot 10 halaman. Dukes Adventures oleh Duke The Wolf nbsp overview quotRules: Tidak ada wanita yang menyukai, tolong simpan hardisk ke batas, hanya OV, AV, dan CV, untuk tidak ada yiff kecuali jika saya berubah pikiran yang mungkin saya lakukan tapi untuk saat ini yiff adalah no - pergi. Jika ada pertanyaan, PM saya, Duke the Wolf. Terima kasih dan have funquot 38 halaman. Petualangan pertama oleh volcera nbsp overview quot (pertama kali saya hanya ingin mencobanya) Anda memulai sebuah petualangan di tanah Verra tanah sihir sihir dari alam itu. Hc vore dan gore tetap minimal dan tidak ada yang tersisa. Quot 150 halaman. Digimon Vore oleh StarvingSmeargle nbsp overview quotTampaknya digimon semakin lapar. Klik 6 halaman Dalam ketakutan Anda akan segera melihat oleh 4y Dark Rose nbsp overview sebuah dunia demention lain, di mana hal-hal yang dianggap mustahil menjadi mungkin, bagaimana Anda akan berhasil pulang, atau akankah Anda (hanya voresex laki-laki, saya akan menghapus APAPUN Posisi laki-laki gay, perempuan lesbian baik-baik saja tidak banyak, juga saya tidak peduli dengan bentuk vore, dll yang digunakan, tidak lahir, dan penyerapan juga diperbolehkan, jadi bersenang-senang) mengutip 18 halaman. MRs Tasty Treats by MidnightRose nbsp overview quotYou adalah predator pria yang mengikuti salah satu karakter wanita saya. Beberapa akan bertengkar, dan yang lainnya tidak begitu banyak. ) Lembut dan keras adalah satu-satunya jenis vore yang diperbolehkan. Quot 21 halaman. World Got Bigger, Atau Saya Mendapat Lebih Kecil oleh JustALittleVore nbsp overview quotOne menit Anda akan tidur ukuran normal, Selanjutnya Anda terbangun untuk menemukan diri Anda berukuran mikro. Dimana petualangan Anda akan membawa Anda sebanyak 59 halaman. Kencan Vore: Prey oleh Cryptrat nbsp overview quotYoure bintang terbaru dari hit smat VTV, Date with Fatequot 23 pages. Pilihan atau Nasib oleh hundaro nbsp overview quotWhich yang Anda percaya Bumi sedang diserang, tapi apa realitas Anda yang Anda pilih atau sudah memilihkan 41 halaman. Hotspring kegilaan oleh Uke the Chosen nbsp overview quotYou adalah satu dari sedikit gadis di sumber air hangat jepang. Anda tidak mengenal yang lain, atau gadis baru aneh ini yang muncul. Ini adalah cerita hanya CV, dan Anda akan menjadi mangsa. quot 7 halaman. Untuk Cinta Vore oleh Kimera nbsp overview quotWhat jenis vore yang Anda nikmati Apa yang membawa Anda ke keinginan untuk berada di dalam makhluk lain saat hidup Apakah kehangatan yang mengelilingi Anda Perendaman lembut perut, atau apakah itu tebal dan gel - seperti lendir yang membuat bagian dalam semua slimey Atau apakah itu mengetahui bahwa nasibmu berada di tangan penculikmu dan kapan pun bisa menjadi yang terakhirmu Apa pun yang terjadi untuk mendorongmu mencintai jimat ini, mudah-mudahan kau akan menemukannya di sini. 6 halaman Ke Hutan Vore. Oleh whitey629 nbsp overview quotEither cara Anda selalu ditelan pada akhirnya. Wether ular, Singa, serigala, buaya, naga, Trex, dan banyak, banyak, BANYAK lagi. 19 halaman. Mari mencoba ini lagi oleh whitey629 nbsp overview quotok saya tidak tahu bagaimana membuat cerita jadi ya mari kita lihat di sini hanya 41 halaman. Rumahku penuh dengan ular oleh whitey629 nbsp overview quotstuck di rumah dengan saudaramu lathiusquot 16 halaman. Mari kita coba ini lagi 2 oleh whitey629 nbsp overview quotif Anda mendapatkan akhiran lathius yang mungkin ingin Anda klik di sini untuk bagian selanjutnya di sana. Yeah. quot 14 halaman. The Cult by Zanthrous nbsp overview quotyou adalah seorang gadis muda dengan nilai bagus dan tubuh pembunuh, pada hari ulang tahun ke 17-20 Anda bergabung dengan klub BDSM online, namun klub tidak mengerti semua hal itu. Vore, soft vore, hard vore, gore, transformasi quot 21 halaman. Impian saya. Oleh opmeijin nbsp overview quotIt adalah cerita vore pertama saya dan ini bisa sangat mirip dengan cerita lainnya. Saya appologise di muka. Vore interaktif ini berisi hubungan manusia dan hewan. Seperti manusia-singa, manusia-harimau dan sebagainya. Ceritanya adalah tentang saya (Anda memilih siapa saya) dan saya bermimpi everynight petualangan yang berbeda dengan lolos yang sempit dan terkadang menjadi burger untuk seekor binatang. Bagi orang-orang yang menyumbang semua jenis vore adalah keras. The main thing in this story is just fun and fun. quot 3 pages. The Spiders Farm by deathly13 nbsp overview quotHumans are kept happy and safe so that the spiders may have pleasure and a food source. quot 11 pages. Shrunken by thepatriot6218 nbsp overview quotyour name is jack youve been shrunken in a small coastal town what will happen to youquot 80 pages. Monster Hunted by Shadowpuma27 nbsp overview quotWelcome to the new world of Monster Hunter Tri, where the monsters have developed rather deadly appetites. Take control of the one hunter who can save Loc Lac City. PLEASE PM ME FOR PERMISSION TO ADD YOU OWN CONTENT. for it could ruin the story. quot 46 pages. short story by thepatriot6218 nbsp overview quotLife in college get harder when you shrink down to the size of an antquot 23 pages. The Cult V2 by Zanthrous nbsp overview quotquotyou are a young girl with good grades and a killer body, on your 17-20th birthday you join an online BDSM club, but the club isnt all that it seems. vore, soft vore, hard vore, gore, transformation quotquot 24 pages. surviving shrinking by thepatriot6218 nbsp overview quotyou are suddenly shrunk and must try to escape being eaten by both people and animals or crushed by the enormous world around youquot 4 pages. Mortal Kombat by mileenafan2019 nbsp overview quotJust a simple story full of gore, vore and generic bloody mayhem. quot 46 pages. Get vored by any girl by NiktheprinceofHyrule nbsp overview quotGet vored by 10 different girls By the 19th ill add another girlquot 46 pages. Witch house by preid224 nbsp overview quotTwo witches want to catch and play with you AV(farting A-OK but scat in the toilet please.), Soft Vore and UB only. You can enter as yourself or play as the two witches Raven(Docile amp Sweet) or Samantha(Tomboyish and Flirty). Rule 1 The witches cannot die and must stay true to themselves. Rule 2 No gore but some sex is okay. Rule 3 Have funquot 16 pages. The shrinking man by adamanska1964 nbsp overview quotYou shrink in a location of your choice and try to avoid the dangerous world around you as everything seems deadly at half an inch tallquot 21 pages. Welcome to my Life by koithedog nbsp overview quotYou are just living your life, youve got friends, but theres always been something missing. quot 6 pages. Military shrink by adamanska1964 nbsp overview quotYou are in the marine corps and shrink one day after a shot and need to find a way back to normal. But its a dangerous life being shrunk to half an inch where your enemies can find you and your friends dont see youquot 5 pages. Vore Zoo by Krono nbsp overview quotThe year is 2150 and the technology has been around for sometime now. The technology I speak of is very similar to that in the movie Avatar where an individual can be hooked up to a scan table and have their consciousness transposed into another living creature. quot 175 pages. Yoshi story by Nibor nbsp overview quotMy first interactive. Here you play as a yoshi, who isnt always pred. quot 14 pages. The Little Costume Shop of Horrors by Bright nbsp overview quotThis story will probably contain magic, transformation, vore, (soft, hard), vampirism and other stuff I will probably have to edit in when that time comes. Write the story in second person view. Any character start off as human unless specified otherwise. A new shop has opened in town and it sells costumes and various acessories. Although it is dusty and filled with cobwebs, it has the correct atmosphere just now when Halloween is coming closer. At the same time, a major Halloween party is about to be thrown and everyone over 18 is invited. quot 28 pages. Ah My Goddess of vore by locuas nbsp overview quotKeiichi and the godesses start to have stranger urges. quot 10 pages. Vore in Hell by Oujou nbsp overview quotA soul is banished to hell where he is hunted by numerous succubiquot 14 pages. The Dragon in Autumn by Solomon nbsp overview quotIn this story you control the actions of a hungry green dragon, one who is looking to beef up in order to survive the coming winter. The goal is to find and eat as much meat as possible The story is written from a predatory perspective, but pray-lovers are welcome to have fun with it as well. quot 134 pages. Guys crazy buffet. by Guy the ladyeater nbsp overview quotGuy Allen decides to open a AnythingF resturant. You decide to try it out as long as you dont end up on the menu. quot 5 pages. Naruto quotVorequot by THExDARKxSANDMAN nbsp overview quotchoose a character from the naruto world and decide hisher fate in a ninja eat ninja world gt:)quot 147 pages. World of Vorecraft: Vorelords of Draenor by komaru nbsp overview quot(Terrible title, I know gt. lt) After reading through the quotWorld of Vorecraft interactive here on the site, I decided to have a crack at starting a new one. Going to try working on it regularly, and anyone who wishes is welcome to add as well, as long as the additions are decent in length, and have decent grammar (really, just punctuate and no quotuquot for quotyouquot or quotcquot for quotseequot etc.). Content-wise, there are no bars held, feel free to add what you wish :) hope that covers everything. quot 19 pages. Zoo Frontier by Duke The Wolf nbsp overview quotBased off Feral. quot 4 pages. A Pred eat Prey world. by THExDARKxSANDMAN nbsp overview quotthis is the story of a young hero who longs for the powers of the great devourers a group of people who have dedicated themselves to the pursuite of the simplest of rules eat or be eaten. find youre place as either the greatest predator of all time, or just another snack for a true hero. quot 16 pages. Spider-Animals by can nbsp overview quotThis is a interactive storys for only Spider-animals. Theses have a body of a spider and from the waist and up of a morph, so for a Spider-husky youd have the lower body of a spider, but where the head should be, the waist of the Husky morph would start. I will post a image when I get one, if I do. quot 133 pages. new shrinking by adamanska1964 nbsp overview quotyouve shrunken around your friends at home and your enemies quot 16 pages. An Angels Buffet. by Guy the ladyeater nbsp overview quotWIP You, A fallen angel have arrived on Earth. Reason: You tried to swallow other Angels and have been casted from heaven. Now you have a new hunger. The species of Earth. Ranging from Angels: Power hungry, Trying to do right, and The Plain Evil ones. The list will go on. quot 6 pages. Stuck at 12 an inch by splisken1972 nbsp overview quotshrunk and put into various situations jim tries to make it through this new worldquot 3 pages. Katherines Journey by Fandaar nbsp overview quotKatherine a explorer, treasure finder and is a person who can findsteal or aquire items that she is payed for. The world is a medivial, Katherine has skill in sneaking, picking locks, seducing, basically she has rogue like skills. She isnt the strongest and has had experience in some magic related items but nothing big. She has just been dropped off at the edge of a jungle looking for a tower that has a artifact said to be able to make someone a puppet when used, the person who asked is paying alot of money and has only given the information that the tower is guarded by a mimic that can look like any treasure or thing she finds. quot 13 pages. Pikachu vore 1 by mynick8888 nbsp overview quotYou are a Pikachu. Your in a maze where vore is everwhere Watch out or you will be eaten with no question You have one partner, anther Pikachu But, Will you survive togetherquot 5 pages. Pikachu day. by mynick8888 nbsp overview quotYour a Pikachu and you want a great day tommorow when you wake up. but all the crazy stuff that is on the news your not really sure. Help this pikachui have a great day. quot 23 pages. carefull observation by bigboy nbsp overview quotsifi vore story but pleas no brain eating ghouls. think more like MassAfectquot 7 pages. accendent vore by XT3 nbsp overview quotTo find your self in an accental vore situation. Add whatever you want but there is a few rules. 1. All vore is allowed but CV. 2. Story must progress as a story and make sense with a plot. 3.THe first vore that happens should be an accendentquot 19 pages. inside a house by aresrme nbsp overview quotgetting eatenquot 9 pages. The quest for a worthy belly by AntonChanning nbsp overview quotIn this interactive story you play the part of a young woman a quest to get eaten whilst wondering through a fantasy wilderness populated by monsters. However, whilst she knows that she does want to be eaten, she isnt quite sure what she wants to be eaten by, so with each monster you face you need to decide whether to let it eat you, or attempt to escape. It is also possible along the way that you manage to catch and eat some of the characters you meet, and that you have sexual encounters with yet others. As a result, whilst you intend from the start to be willing prey, you may end up unwilling, or even being a predator, or simply having erotic encounters. The story starts however with you waking up after being unconscious and if your adventure is to last any length of time, you must first manage to evade the initial peril you find yourself in. Rules: 1) Please dont add more options inside the parts until outside of the ogres lair (youll know where that is), without checking with me first. The part inside the lair has been written and I dont think it needs more options. 2) The bit inside the lair sets the bar for quality of writing to aim at. If you cant meet this standard please dont add anything. 3) This interactive story takes the form of a game. You chose how the main character reacts to the situation. What happens to her happens as a consequence of those actions. If you write additions, they must be written in that style. quot 32 pages. The Land of Kinky Doom by SomeGuy1294 nbsp overview quotEnter the Land of Kinky Doom, where a host of monster-girls eagerly await you. Will you be gobbled up Have sex Find a mate Return safely home Who knows An FM prey pov fantasy story, with some illustrations. Currently under construction. quot 187 pages. tails shrunken adventures. by firelordzx5 nbsp overview quottails invented a teleporter to go anywhere mobius, however, the machine fails, and tails, not just teleported but also shrunk. He teleported to a room but the size of the tails of an ant. The Girls: Amy Rose: Sonic-obsessed girl, she would do anything to have him in her arms. (big tits and big ass) Rouge the Bat: Emerald thief, secret agent and treasure hunter. (huge tits and a nice ass) Blaze the Cat: Princess who protects the Sol Emeralds (big tits, tight ass) Cream amp Vanilla(living room): The Daughter and The Mother (Cream: Teenage Body) (Vanilla: big tits and big ass) Sally Acorn: Princess and Leader of the Freedom Fighters (Sexy body, big tits, tight ass) The Boys: Sonic The Hedgehog: The Hero, The fastest living creature in the universe Shadow The Hedgehog: rival of sonic Knuckles the Echidna: Guardian of the master emerald Silver the Hedgehog: Hedgehog from the future and companion of blaze Rules: FF is now allowed Sex and nudity is allowed all kinds of vore is welcome. (especially unbirth and cock vore) Tails is very small that him can enter ANY hole of the body. (example, tails enter the vagina or nipple of (female character), enters the urethra of the cock of (male character) Tails can NOT die, but must have a non-fatal end. (example: tails, reborn as bat, cat, chipmunk or hedgehog or find help to return to normal.)quot 40 pages. Tiny change by splisken1972 nbsp overview quotAfter a strange bite adam shrinks to ant size in random places, lucky for him this is one of his fantisies. But will he regret his eagerness once he has to face a ginat world where he could be eaten or squished. quot 6 pages. Life in a Belly by Shadowblaze nbsp overview quotYoure going to get eaten in this story. Thats going to happen. But how are you going to be eaten And what will happen afterwards Take a trip into the belly and find out In this story you play as a herm girl looking to fulfil her lifelong dream of being eaten. Feel free to try adding what you like, and if its good Ill keep it. No scatwatersportsgore. Thanks. quot 10 pages. All girls vore school by rosegir l nbsp overview quot Everyone has a hard time in high school, but its even worse when your punishment for causing trouble is to be anal vored by your hot instructor in front of your entire class. Ff, sex, anal vore, unbirth, absorption, oral vore, soft vore, digestion, cock vore (herm characters), some scat, unwilling all allowed. No hard vore or mm or mf quot 6 pages. Vore jungle by Nathan089010 nbsp overview quotYou will be shrunk shrunk by animals in an unknown rain forrest sometimes if you arent carful picking a fruit may end in vore Rules: Sex is allowed Keep digestion optional If the creature hardvores you make sure to make this next to that creatures name (hardvore) if i dont see that next to a hardvore that content will be removed quot 61 pages. Fun at the club by TheHungryHusky nbsp overview quotYour first time at apopular vore themed night club. Will you be a pred or prey and will you pay to. Live, or die. The Dance floor is now open. quot 7 pages. Gay canine story by thefurrythief nbsp overview quotThis is always gay and its always 2 canines. But you get to choose How they have sex. )quot 6 pages. My little Pony vore by Estee nbsp overview quotPonies eating and being eaten by other ponies. quot 98 pages. Vore prison by irimishii nbsp overview quotA newly built prison for girls (and dickgirls) of all ages. But there is one huge problem, there is very, very little food in this unsupervised place. To survive, girls have to eat eachother or be eaten. Preds, are the powerful, beautiful girls who dine on the young and weak ones that arrive. Girls can anal vore, oral vore, unbirth, nipple vore, absorb, and digest anyone who they can to survive. For dick-girls cock-vore is acceptable. Because in the prison, there are no working toilets some girls make bargains so that they wont be eaten. and it makes them a human toilet. Usually only being fed shit and piss, but are allowed to have some of the scrawny ones that are allowed. Underaged allowed, sex allowed, scat allowed, as well the types of vore mentioned above. NO hard vore, male characters, or gore. quot 26 pages. Friendly Intentions of Knitted Friends by TheHungryHusky nbsp overview quotNO HARD VOREDIGESTION: What happens when all your favorite plushies come to life at night and happen to be hungry In this story you take on the roole of a plushie or the owner. Remember you only have till sunrise. Dont end up trapped till the next night. (Anything allowed except hardvore and digestion)quot 5 pages. Shrunk in a Mythical World by Maexam2 nbsp overview quotOne day, you wake up shrunken in a world where there are no humans, except you. All of the residents of this world are Mythical Creatures. Try to survive. The YES list: - Soft Oral Vore - Unbirth - Anal Vore - Scat - Digestion - Insertion - Breast Vore - Cleavage Vore and - Absorption. Note: If the You get digested, you can choose to reform or to die. The NO list: - FeetPaw fetish - Farting - No male predator - No mm - Blood - Gore - Hard Vorequot 8 pages. Of Animals and Ass by asslovinggirl nbsp overview quotBeastialityLesbianFuta-vorequot 28 pages. Loli amp Scritch: Scritchs Loli Luau by TARDIS nbsp overview quotLittle Hawaiian Girl Loli and her friend Scritch play a game, possibly involving the girl becoming a nice roast piggy This story contains lolicon, cooking and cannibalism, as well as BDSM, underage sex and various other themes. For right now, it will be a personal project for myself to work on. quot 21 pages. a pred moms story by bigboy nbsp overview quotcontrol the pred mom. contains underage vore (pleas no sexual themes) quot 4 pages. Dragon Ball Shrink by supersonic77 nbsp overview quotA boy in Dragon Ball Z has decided that theyre going to find all the dragon balls and with to be nearly microscopic size, and do things with an unaware girl in DBZ. Sexual Content (nudity, private parts, etc.) are allowed, as well as minor language. Strong language is NOT ALLOWED. Also, since the male is near microscopic, they can enter any hole in the womans body (nipple, vagina, etc.). Boys include Goku, Vegeta, Gohan(high school student), Master Roshi, Krillin, and Yamcha. Girls include Bulma, Launch, Android 18, Videl, and Chi-chi, quot 8 pages. Vore Sector by shadownaga nbsp overview quotWelcome to the Vore Sector, a place that has been left alone by all of the ShadowNaga Universes armies, a place seen as a world with no real laws and its survival of the fittest. This however is far from the truth, they may eat each other leaving the best live on but there are laws. quot 26 pages. bearly alive by bigboy nbsp overview quotthis is a story about a toy bear coming to life and eating its oner, (warning underage vore)quot 4 pages. stuffd by bigboy nbsp overview quotteddy bear, eating kids, (underage vore) quot 6 pages. Bodybuilders feast by Guile nbsp overview quotMainly MF. Predators must be bodybuilders. Anything is allowed. quot 3 pages. shrunk forever by MIEPIE nbsp overview quotum not much to say about this but a bit short and my firstquot 11 pages. oVORElord by KamiKaze1337 nbsp overview quotYou are a rouge lord (or lady) trying to build your own empire. Only problem is that theres already someone there. What will you. Why, Eat them What else The real question is what to do afterwardsquot 29 pages. shrink and shrinker by MIEPIE nbsp overview quotbe the shrunk or the shrunkererquot 7 pages. Forgotten steps by mikoc5 nbsp overview quotYou wake up with no memories. Your task is to escape a ruined facility while avoiding being eaten by monsters. Feel free to introduce your own ideas and characters. quot 71 pages. Noone by Imbram nbsp overview quotWho I amquot 7 pages. Heaven. by FireAngelizumi nbsp overview quotkagami goes with his crew to heaven when a unexpected surprise catches them in action. who is it might you ask well it is Kiri. She does something she will regret. quot 5 pages. Life Molder. by Gimlet nbsp overview quotThis is a tale about a boy that learns how to alter living things he touches. Changes take time, dont magically change people in seconds This is more about people learning to deal with the changes than suddenly changing things second to second, as well as the moral (and sexual and vorish of course :) ) implications of this power. He cannot directly affect himself To begin with when he first learns how to use his power he will have difficulty doing much beyond changing color of skinhair. To do more hell have to learn anatomy to figure out what to do. Some threads will start later on after hes taken biology at school specifically to use his powers better. Please please please be consistant If a thread has a character being kind and sensitive, keep it that way. If he is mean and dangerous in the start of a thread, keep him like that. In the first post Im deliberately vague about the main characters personality so you can develop him as you like. Times of changes: Small changes like skin color, small changes to skin or flesh (ie not organsmuscles etc) would change overnight or over a day. Muscles, fat and general disposition of flesh around the body would probably take a day or two to change. Organs maybe 3 days. Bones are tricky, possibly a week, and remember the immune system is in bones too. Could cause problems Brain is trickiest and may take a lot of training in human biology to affect at all, let alone mess with someones mind. Glandular stuff would be a lot easier, maybe a couple of weeks. Any changes to any of these beyond simple stuff (Simple would be changing position of an organ slightly, altering skin texture etc) would double these times and take more knowledge to pull off. Same for growing or shrinking. Note, size change doesnt happen magically. Theyd be more hungry to gain in size and starve to shrink. Mistakes with any of his powers could be nasty, but he should be able to fix them, given time (and assuming they live through it) Note, ANY living thing can be changed by him, not just people He could decide to focus on animals, or if he feels that isnt fair to the animals, plants. Plants would be a lot simpler and quicker to work (assume half time) unless he changes them so much they are basically animals anyway A lot of the time to get something he wants Hes likely going to have to do multiple small changes to be sure it works until he really knows what hes doingquot 11 pages. Escape the Prison by BizzareBlue nbsp overview quotA short interactive story featuring an unfortunate thief and her attempts to escape from a prison without getting eaten. This story was written as a complete work so unfortunately my only rule is that Im the only one allowed to post entries. The story focuses on soft vore with a female human as the usual prey and a dragon as the pred and fatal digestion. It also contains examples of sex, footplay, painful digestion and gladiatorial combat. Despite many different routes there is only one way to get to the perfect ending and survive. (Yeah the perfect ending isnt nearly as interesting as the other ones)quot 19 pages. Just a Regular Day by ValkyrieVandal nbsp overview quotToday is your day, and your day is full of choices. Will you make it to work today Will you be late for your date Will you be eaten alive on your way to school So much can happen and it is all up to you. Please no scat is my only rule and not too much hardcore violence. Try to keep it fun and creative. quot 22 pages. Trapped in a belly by Shadowblaze nbsp overview quotYou play a girl with a cock whos been shrunk down and is about to be eaten. What do you do How far will you go to not be digested. Adding content encouraged Id love to see what you come up with (though it may be edited), try whatever you like, just no scatgorewatersports. quot 9 pages. Remmys dangerous adventure by PachirisuAndAsmodeus nbsp overview quotA young orange feral female yoshi wakes up in a weird forest. Will she survivequot 3 pages. Ms Peril demise by MrCaliban nbsp overview quotThe utter defeat of the undefeatable Louise Lareau A. K.A. Ms Peril. quot 12 pages. Defictionalized by Unknown nbsp overview quotAn ordinary person (that is, you) has suddenly been granted power from a mysterious source, in the form of an enigmatic tool which can transport you to fictional worlds, or even alter the very fabric of reality. Will you use this tool wisely Or will you end up causing chaos for yourself Non-fatal, open ended. Add whatever content you like UNDER CONSTRUCTIONquot 16 pages. Your choice by roleplayer nbsp overview quotYou chose what you want to happen By this i mean you select pred or prey then what you would like to eat or be eaten by and what type of vore also willing and unwillingquot 77 pages. Dragon Camp by Komsomol nbsp overview quotYou get sent to some kind of a summer camp near the sea. The camp is filled with all kinds of predators, beginning with dragons, and you are a tiny dragon yourself. What kind of a dirty situation might this bring you into Well, according to the words of the mysterious stranger who left you a letter, it isnt going to be any good for you here. The story contains several types of vore, digestion and scat. In this story nearly anything goes. Ill just give some basic guidelines: - The only restriction is about soul vore, angels and demons in the story. Please, dont put them in. - You may change the character typerace during the story if you want, you might as well change settings in your additions just make sure it doesnt stick out too much. Be creative. - It is better to keep the chapters short, but by this I dont mean you should narrow the storyline. What I ask is to split up the story into smaller chunks of text so there will be an option to add an alternative choice every so often, which should make the story more interactive. - Digestion and scatWS are welcome, let there be filth (lt - Please try to avoid spelling and grammar errors. Im not a grammar nazi and not even a native English speaker so I wont judge you, but it gets difficult to read the text loaded with mistakes. quot 81 pages. Krystals Vorish Adventure by VorishFoxie nbsp overview quotWill krystal survive her latest vorish encounters RULES: No hard, cock, soul, anal, or viginal vore aloud. I want this to consist of oral soft vore only. (can contain cooking, but must be followed by soft vore.) Also no intense gore, and please try to not make dead ends. Thanksquot 21 pages. Magic The Voring by THExDARKxSANDMAN nbsp overview quotBased of the series of trading cards Magic the Gathering (copyright belongs to wizards of the coast). quot 7 pages. Boobies Maze by SomeGuy1294 nbsp overview quot A male POV story, involving a single female pred. Focused on sense of pursuit. Oral vore, soft and hard allowed. Will have detailed description of the titular preda tor. quot 22 pages. Street Fighter Girls by SomeGuy1294 nbsp overview quot You are a young martial artist. You are trying to find one of legendary warriors known as the Street Fighers so you may become their students. Little do you know, something strange has happened to loveliest and strongest women in the world. This story contains only female preds. The preds will mostly be women from Street Fighter, but any female character who has appeared in a cross-over fight may also appear here. quot 28 pages. Learn the way of the jungle. (avatar vore) by Theman112 nbsp overview quotI have seen the the avatar movie like most people but I have also wondered what is with the lack of vore that involves the setting. Since I have no art skills at all Im going to try an interactive story. Humans, Navi, and Animals can all be predator andor prey. Yes, Humans can be preds(just be imaginative I dont care if their are growth and shrinks ways or other advanced tech. Just make it a fun (if you know what I mean) read. The only rule I have is no really graphic hard vore, digestion, full tour and scat are fine. Soft vore is 100 a-ok. Its just reading about people getting ripped to shreds or cooked alive irks me. As for the setup its before the humans are driven off world so you have free reign to do whatever between those 3. quot 5 pages. Vore Tournament by EmissaryOfRainbows nbsp overview quotYou are in a gladiatorial tournament. Winner eats, the loser is eaten. Tournament Rules: 2 challengers fight against each other. Whoever wins may do whatever they want to finish their opponent (ei, vore or execution. Sparing the opponent is not allowed) Whoever wins may move on. Whoever wins the finals must face a mysterious opponent for the grand prize The prize is a massive amount of money, and a mystery prize. quot 9 pages. Vore island by thooth lesdragon nbsp overview quotYou are stranded on an island, try to escapequot 9 pages. Boot camp by splisken1972 nbsp overview quotshrunk in boot camp and bound to be eaten by hungry marines quot 3 pages. Vore with media girls by EmissaryOfRainbows nbsp overview quotSwallow or be swallowed by girls from different mediaquot 69 pages. New Vore World by voresercher nbsp overview quotIts been about three months since vore has become legal, though vore has been plaguing the country for almost two years now, and it got too far out of hand that the government just legalized it (though this was mainly due to large amounts of political figures disappearing (or thats what the news said at least.) No laws or regulations have been set up to protect anybody from getting ate, so everybodys fair game. And school starts in a month So, are you going to be prey or predquot 45 pages. The EOR Collection by EmissaryOfRainbows nbsp overview quotThis is a collection of multiple branching stories made by EmissaryOfRainbowsquot 8 pages. TheVoreAd by BlueKnight nbsp overview quotA video ad featuring a lovely, young woman promises an exciting experiencequot 36 pages. The Multiverse by Jacobdragon nbsp overview quotquotYou thought there was only one universe, but there are so many out there. ElissaEric is a Dragoness born from a Human, Herhi s DNA came from a Forgotten evolutionary path. Shehe was only Semi-human. But in these multiple universes, Shehe could either be Boy or girl, Pred or Slave. Your actions will deter which Universe. quot (Screw it, imma let anyone edit) quot 58 pages. An unexpected guest. by Cornele nbsp overview quotWhen your car breaks down near a little town. You choose to go get some help from the locals. Somehow you and up at a very strange party. quot 3 pages. Seclusion, sort of. by reclusenutcase nbsp overview quotYou are a person on forced on a mandatory vacation with your work colleagues, on a tropical island beach front. You hate your time there so you decide to head out into the woods in hopes of some seclusion or something like it. quot 61 pages. Desiuss Journey by Thesunrisemoose nbsp overview quotAs a micro feline priestess in training, life can be a real challenge. Especially when you find yourself in harms way constantly. (A mostly female cast is preferred but not required. Minimal pain and graphic digestion. Finally if you do add to this story please give an honest effort. Otherwise Ill keep adding chapters as I can. quot 6 pages. The Vorno Director by MeTheMe nbsp overview quotYou are now the Director of an upcoming pornvore video Give orders to your actors and control the way the movie turns out You have your actors, you have your set, and you have your camera crew. lights, music, action. Personal project. First Interactive Story, so please bear with me. Will include sex, vore, unbirth, orgy, and non-fatal digestion by the time Im done. May add more types later, but this is all thats planned so far. quot 48 pages. The Simpsons vore by Tomez nbsp overview quotPlease read the rules on this storys first page - A number of Simpsons vore stories I began to write on Writing, which hasnt seemed too active for years. quot 52 pages. Portal Adventure by Buttmonger nbsp overview quotYou are out camping in the woo ds. You come across a magical portal that seems to lead anywhere, natural curiosity kicks in and you decide to have a look at the other side of the portal, it leads to many different areas with many types of creatures, all focused on you (WARNING - contents may include the following: Bestiality, domination, scat, watersports, very dumb curiosity, lack of common sense, oral vore, anal vore, unbirth, rebirth, cock vore, cum digestion, and more vore. You have been warned and will most likely proceed. 3)quot 162 pages. Size Mishap by shepard1990 nbsp overview quotYou find yourself exposed to a strange type of radiation and shrink somewhere. Needless to say you have to fight to stay out of danger from crushing or accidental ingestionquot 9 pages. Aquatic vore by mistydolphin nbsp overview quotdolphins, orcas, sharks, any kind of sea creature you can think of. quot 22 pages. A routine flight by myusername nbsp overview quotYou are Sarah a young crew member of the Intergalactic Trade Confederation. You awake to chaos in a sector of the Galaxy that has some very unique tastes. Rules: Keep all characters over 18 at a minimum no exceptions. The story must end with Sarah being eaten or vored. Try to use good spelling grammar and no one sentence story paths. No male human characters women and aliens only. Have fun and be creative. quot 4 pages. MTMs Choose Your Own Adventure Stories by MeTheMe nbsp overview quotAnother personal project This is where I put all the ideas Ive had for choose your own adventure stories, Ill put it up by chapters, so theres no incomplete chapters up. quot 18 pages. A Fair Trial by thefatalenglishman nbsp overview quotJust giving this a go. Ill make it public if it ever gets anywhere. quot 11 pages. Comic Book Super-Heroine Preds by SomeGuy1294 nbsp overview quotSomething strange has happened to the mightiest and most beautiful heroines on Earth. and thats bad news for a common criminal like you. POV Prey story, female preds only, mostly same size. All comic book characters allowed. Will contain characters such as She-Hulk, Black Cat, Tank Girl and others. quot 33 pages. Naruto Vore by rangikufan999 nbsp overview quotHello This is going to be a Naruto Vore story. I have a few guidelines with which one should follow: 1. No Yaoi pairings. 2. Characters should remain within their size, this can be exaggerated a little bit, but dont over do it. Example: Dont make Hinata 400 pounds. 3. No excessive scat scenes. The general character guidelines are as follows: 1. All characters can originate from any anime series, but at a minimum one character must come from the Naruto or Naruto shippuden series. Other than these guidelines the story is free game. quot 20 pages. Shrunken At An All-Girls Home by greythunder247 nbsp overview quotYou are the newspaper delivery boy of your town, and while doing your daily rounds you are shrunck right outside the local girls home. The only rules are dont go over the top and only female human characters. quot 118 pages. The Island by Michenako nbsp overview quotYou wake up on an island, with no recollection of how you got there. You see no one, and hear nothing. Can you find out what is going on, or why you are therequot 21 pages. CYOV: Curse of Kroner Crypt by TheRUINSCaretaker nbsp overview quotCYOV Story 1: You are a simple citizen of Huntsgrove, a quiet, relaxed town. But things are about to change for you. Will you survive and solve the mystery of the little town you moved into, or end up vanishing like most of the residents. (AnthroHumanDemi player, huge variety of vore options when completed. Be warned.)quot 34 pages. A feral place by mistvulpin nbsp overview quotThis is a story about a world where giant ferals (animals with human intellect) rule over man and furry alike. You play part of the species and gender you like and generally have fun with it. The only things I dont want in here are vomitscatfarting. Other than those feel free to add whatever you like to the story. quot 8 pages. Succubus Roommate Interactive by Blueknight82 nbsp overview quotA What if story of the succubus roommate. quot 37 pages. Acid Content: Zero by DangZerglings nbsp overview quotTwo siblings, one of a few sets of elemental powers, endosomatophilia, and more than enough women to fill their bellies and pass through their intestinal tracts. It doesnt get better than this for those who tolerate or adore non-fatal vore. quot 10 pages. Trapped in the House of Hunger by SomeGuy1294 nbsp overview quot When you took your girlfriend to the carnival one night, you had no more in mind than some a night of fun and games, and maybe, if you got lucky, some more intimate fun when you took her home for the night. But that was before you came across an attraction you had never seen before. your girlfriend seemed so eager to explore the House of Hunger. but the games of this fun house are far more dangerous than you had ever imagined. Can you make it out alive with the love of your life Or will the maids of this house make meals of you and your lover This is a second person FM and FF story, containing digestion, scat-play and sex. Unlike previous stories I have written, there will be options for both men and (lesbianbisexual) women. For the time being, I will not be expecting additions from other writers. quot 36 pages. dino vore island by mistydolphin nbsp overview quotyour stranded on an island full of hungryhorny dinos. go nuts with it. quot 6 pages. YOU GOT ATE BITCH by SomeGuy1294 nbsp overview quotDa Faqquot 14 pages. Giantess by DatDute184 nbsp overview quotYour own encounter with a giantess. quot 7 pages. A Vore Towns Tale by Seivelath nbsp overview quotA Story of survival, of romance, and most of all, Vorequot 3 pages. The forest by Loverofhalo nbsp overview quotIts a forest add what you like. Please keep scat to minimum. quot 14 pages. World of fatal love. by vixingirl nbsp overview quotThis is a sequel of camp dark lust writingmaininteractitemid1667900-Camp-dark-lustmap1. You escape the camp through its trails and terrors. After much time has passed sense then, you try to warn the world of the animal people and their terrible ways. But to only laughter and humiliation. The world maybe would have listened if you had your evidence of it still, somehow it was lost. Now the world will find out the darkness of these people and how deep seeded they are in society. Will you survive warning. This does have scat in itquot 28 pages. Motel decadence by reclusenutcase nbsp overview quotThis will be an interactive where the viewer has the illusion of choice since they will be able to select which room they want to spend the night in. I intend that all rooms should be survivable, but that isnt a rule set in stone. Most of the submission will be from me but Im fine with anyone making submission of their own. Just keep in mind that if you are to submit a room with a vore creature, you need to label the room so the viewer knows what they are getting into. I dont want readers unintentionally walking into a room with a male horse when they intended for a femal naga. You can be subtle with the labels, but no label on the door will look sloppy. Enjoy. quot 35 pages. Pranksters gambit by GodGivenDeath nbsp overview quotA sort of combination Interactive Story and fanfic to make a simple story about four kids going to play a game. (Homestuck based, using Sburb Glitch Faq for expanded info)quot 38 pages. Food of Men by Inkie nbsp overview quotA strictly MF themed vore roleplay, with an emphasis on interesting story and quality writing. quot 4 pages. An Unfamiliar Land by leviathin nbsp overview quotA Great flash of light has taken you from the dull world you have known so well to a world only heard of in fantasy books. With one close of your eyes everything changed and when you opened them the world was far from normal, even you have changed as if part of a dream. This is no dream however, everything is real and many things are hungry. It will take all of your skill and a great amount of luck to survive, the only question is can youquot 35 pages. A Book of Filth by Lucky nbsp overview quotExtreme Graphic Content Oral, Anal, Tail, Other Vore, UB, Transformation, Shrinking, Incest, Hermaphrodites, Shemales, Feral, Watersports, Scat, pretty much anything you can imagine. A collection of various fetish stories (eventually).quot 60 pages. Nagas in the Wild by Theoneday nbsp overview quotA short interactive story revolving around Nagas. quot 7 pages. Attack of the Wolfess by rangeloveh nbsp overview quotA vorish epic inspired by the interative story Dragon Camp, fall prey to a hungry werewolfessquot 2 pages. Anything goes by mistvulpin nbsp overview quotLike the title says, you can feel free to add anything you want. The only rules are that you must try to keep spelling and grammar errors to a minimum. Also, try not to add any one liners, and make sure to leave room for other options, unless it is the end of a storyline. Other than that, have fun and be creativequot 8 pages. Anne the Cow Vore by F1reDem0n nbsp overview quotA story about what seems to be your everyday cow. Her name is Annequot 8 pages. Relationships are complicated. by diablodevil2 nbsp overview quotEspecially between predators and those that are. not Going to keep this a solo venture for now. quot 3 pages. VORE DATING: fat, hungry vixen. by VorishFoxie nbsp overview quotON THIS EPISODE OF VORE DATING. You are trying to survive a date with a gorgeous fat vixen But be carful, make the wrong choices, and you might just be dinner. (ABSOLUTLEY NO HARD VORE, OR SOUL VORE. This is a draft for a interactive game my friend is making. The names were changed and not everything in this will make it to the final game, but it is a pretty good idea of what to expect. Enjoy)quot 6 pages. Ti Bao and the Order of Flesh by SomeGuy1294 nbsp overview quotYou are Ti Bao, a young Chinese lesbian and skilled martial artist. Can you stop the Order of the Beast, restore peace to the land and find lovequot 53 pages. Female Celebrity Vore by pizza3695 nbsp overview quotEver wanted to see your favorite female celebrity get vored This is the place quot 36 pages. Choose Your Path by EndermanTheDark nbsp overview quotChoose how everything goes. Are you pred Prey Male Female Herm Well seequot 9 pages. shrunken vore adventure by zeorama nbsp overview quotexplore and be eaten by one of three characters Rules: no gore, scat or sexual content, this is a clean story and will only contain soft oral vore, anal vore, absorbtion and unbirth, but no cock vorequot 18 pages. Fetishes abound (and vore) by Gamefox nbsp overview quotThe idea is simple, you can choose what you want to be then pick what you want to do. Feel free to add your own storyline, character, scene, or whatever else you like. Anything goes here. Just warn people of the fetishes that your posts contain. Have fun. quot 32 pages. Anthro Coach by Coco nbsp overview quotA young male human student encounters a big, fat, smelly and sadistic anthro gym coach. quot 56 pages. Gone by ThatAwesomeGuy nbsp overview quotquot 18 pages. School Vore by EndermanTheDark nbsp overview quotYoure late to school, and the teachers dont let people be tardy. Contains many types of vore and has scat. quot 5 pages. Visions of Raith Encur by Leliata nbsp overview quotA tale of one womans journey through a fantastical, yet dangerous world. Will she find what she seeks, or shall her tale be ended before it truly begins. quot 12 pages. Snuffville by wolf1231567 nbsp overview quotThis story is for MM or M content ONLY. NO FEMALES. There will also be snuff such as strangulation, beheading, or old fashioned knivesguns. All vore styles are permitted, and sex during, before, it after vore is encouraged. If you have a problem with any of this, move on these stories may not be for you. quot 28 pages. Creatures in the Dark by JTrucken nbsp overview quotYou can choose to be predator or prey in this bedtime nightmare. All story lines completed. quot 52 pages. Mamono of The End by PimpDaddyPichu nbsp overview quotA tale of adventure, exploration and liberation in a world very much similar to the quotMonster Girl Encyclopediaquot setting by Kenkou Cross. Beings known as quotMamonoquot have began to infest a post-war scarred world left behind by the folly of human conflict. Corruption and chaos are beginning to take root in the ruined civilization of man and, while some Mamono are friendly, its clear that the chaotic views of the so called quotDemon Queenquot are warping the world into a utopia for monsters. Shall you liberate the world from the Demon Queens tyranny, will you join the chaos and indulge upon your most primal of pleasures or will you forge your own path amidst the confusion The choice lies within you. FM, FF centric for vore, Oral vore preferred (PM me for details on others) and sexual scenes must be built up to. Human and Demi-human characters only please. Additions must have be least one paragraph in length MINIMUM. quot 1 pages. Black Market by darksign13 nbsp overview quotWelcome to the underground world of vore (fm, hm, first person, scat) You are kidnapped by black market human traffickers whos clientele are shopping for more than just a simple sex slave. quot 3 pages. Trip to the City by turkeylurky nbsp overview quotA young man leaves his home village to look for work in the nearby city on the coast. To get there he must travel through the forest along a road known for the strange disappearances of travelers. This story is focused on Fm interaction, with the main character either being shrunk or encountering some type of giant female humanoid. Primarily focused on soft vore. ScatFarting is fine assuming it isnt excessive. Additions must be at least a paragraph in length with reasonable grammarspelling. quot 4 pages. Stories NFU by tntlost1 nbsp overview quotJust something for me :)quot 23 pages. It always starts in her what by JTrucken nbsp overview quotIn this story you wake up after being eaten by a pretty 20 year-old girl in a dark alley way, but you dont know where you are inside her. That is where you come inquot 11 pages. Draxens World by JTrucken nbsp overview quotIn this world its predator or prey with your character, but watch out for the creator, Draxen There are but two rules: any pages that end a story line must involve Draxen and its ship, though they can be destroyed, and no Sex, this story is about predators and prey eating and being eaten, not making love half of the time. quot 6 pages. How to Train Your Dragon Vore by thevorishnightfury nbsp overview quotPretty much how it sounds. Theres painfully little How to Train Your Dragon vore on the internet, so I thought Id throw in my fair share and create an interactive here. More details and rules inside. quot 16 pages. Fluttershys Snack by vorelectric nbsp overview quotAnother day in Ponyville starts off just like any other day. The sky is bright with Celestias sun, the birds are waking up and are singing their morning songs and several ponies are slowly waking up to greet the day. Theres only only one problem that can make, or break, the day. Fluttershy, it seems, has woken up to find that shes undergone some quotChangesquot. and she doesnt have a clue as to why. maybe it had something to do with her visit to Twilights house the night before Whatever the case, the shy pegasus must now figure out how to get back to normal. but first, she must figure out how shell survive the day ((Rules and info on first page))quot 7 pages. Book of Monsters by ScaredyCat12 nbsp overview quotAbandoned story, you can take over if youd likequot 16 pages. Pokemon vore quest by SThompson1995 nbsp overview quotOkay my first interactive story here dont be too harsh please make an addition Unbirth Anal vore Oral vore and cock vore and Naval vore are allowedquot 5 pages. Coming of Age by Noxyoursox nbsp overview quotJourney through the deadly Wilderness in search of a new home. Will you survive and reach another human village, or will your journey end inside a predators stomach Vore of any kind except anal vore and unrealistic samesize are accepted. There will be fatal digestion, some sex, and possibly scat (but not extreme or graphic).quot 25 pages. Eat and Be Merry by StormWolfe nbsp overview quotFollowing the overpopulation of 2100 and mass starvation that followed, the World Government declared that all males between 12-21 were fair game to become food for the plate of anyone able to catch them. At first just boymeat restaurants popped up, but soon their were so many boys to be eaten that mass production began. Boy processing factories opened up, producing boy meat for the supermarket shelves. It replaced beef and chicken as the main food of choice in the west. To fill the quota anyone under 21 who committed a crime, no matter how tiny, was turned into delicious meat, but that wasnt enough so soon the government began encouraging parents to sell off spare children for cash. Finally, the government began using school to teach children that becoming meat was great. Mass brainwashing some called it, but not many people complained because now their was even more delicious meat that volunteered to be on your plate. To combat the gender unbalance, some genius scienticist invented a drug that when put into the water supply made sure that 80 of children born were male. 60 of boys would end up food before 21, and so population was controlled and the human race prospers to this day. Youre a boy in this new brave age will you become meat, or eat instead RULES: Cooking vore only. Gore, blood etc is up to the person writing. If its excessive, please put GURO in the link name. Only male food. Otherwise, have fun. quot 130 pages. Vore: A Love Story by VoreFiend2099 nbsp overview quotDoes the title not say it all lt3quot 6 pages. A hungry Changeling by Battle541 nbsp overview quotThis is my first time making a Interactive Story, so anyways. This is going be about a hungry Changeling Midway which is my OC. Its going to be starting in Equestia when a hungry pudgy Changeling named Midway comes to ponyville, Canterlot or where ever in Equestia to meet and make friends and maybe eat some ponies too when she has a chance, And also might want to rule Equestria. ((Rules and info on first page))quot 15 pages. My Little Pony vore interactive by Fevix nbsp overview quotAn interactive story featuring your favorite pastel ponies prancing prettily - I mean eating eachother. quot 90 pages. Sashas Day On (Cooking, Underage Warning) by Cryptrat nbsp overview quotAs said in the title, this is an Underage Cooking Interactive. Ill open up paths with interest, but youll have to message me to do so. quot 3 pages. Be Food, Its Only Nature by StormWolfe nbsp overview quotFollowing the fur-craze, most natural humans gene-moded themselves to become anthros. It began simply as a minor trend in fringe groups but it soon morphed into a must have for every member of the F generation. Everyone had different reasons, but most everyone did it. By the time the older generation had passed on, the human race was extinct, taking with them much of the old worlds culture and religion. A new society emerged, built on whim. A person might mod themselves into a horse for the penis, a bird for flight, a wolf for phyisque, perhaps a rabbit for stamina. there were many reasons why, but no one really cared about others reasons. They just enjoyed this new world. Eventually the craze took an interesting turn, when predator species began to indulge in their instincts. Society almost crumbled for a while, prey fearful of becoming the next meal, until a group of powerful predators quietly took control of the genemorph corporations and made sure that every new prey produced would be built with a willingness to be food. And so began the Golden Age of Anthros. Why dont you explore itquot 16 pages. Oc x canon MLP FIM vore by Battle541 nbsp overview quotOk. This 1 is going be about your OCs pairing with your favorite MLP FIM. So you can pair your OC with any character of MLP FIM and you wish to. Rules will be on the first page quot 80 pages. In the Family by theWolf nbsp overview quotInteractive for the incest vore crowd. You are a male, teenage prey member of a large, powerful family where any member of your family might just eat you at any given time. More detailed info in the opening page. Adding Rules: This is a second-person, present-tense story. (e. g. quotYou blush as she looks at you. quot) Primarily MM and FM. MF and FF are also possible, just less likely. Any scene must involve a member of the family, even if its a distant cousin. Human only. Mainly soft vore, with some prep and cooking options. If you want to include hard vore or intense cooking, include a warning in the branch. Please do the same for scat. Avoid one-liners unless for a specific decision after advancing story (such as feet-first vs. head-first and so on), spelling and grammar matter. Will edit as needed. quot 15 pages. Blues Epic Adventure by TheHungryELf nbsp overview quotWhat can happen in the adventures of a normal evryday elf You deside Only rule is no hard vore or scat. quot 12 pages. Animated Film Vore And WG by anyonarex nbsp overview quotTake characters from an animated film and have them gain weight or eat each other. quot 108 pages. They Just Keep Coming by olddud nbsp overview quotJack was you typical 16 year old high school student he was 5 foot 10 with dark brown hair an average billed and glasses, but his whole life changed when his grandmother died, it was a sad day but after the funeral every one when to her hows and was aloud to take what ever they wanted, Jack found a small box that had the image of a beautiful naked woman on it so he grabbed it and hid it from his mother not want to embarrass himself. This is going to be a world of both human and furry so both are welcome and I ask if you want to join please when you write something please be as detailed as you can with your scene dont just be like (she jumped in his mouth and he swallowed her) Id like more then that but other then that I hop we all have some fun things I hop to see but not limited to. MF FF HF HH vore all types (OV, CV, AV, and UB) soft vore soft digestion impreg preg furry scaly incest TF CTF absorption things that I do not want to see gore hard vore hard digestion MM HM weight gain If you have any questions send me a PMquot 14 pages. VoreLand: Home of Big Bellies and Big Rides by AwesomeAustin21 nbsp overview quotBased in a world much like our own save for the addition of all types of vore being a possibility exists the theme park of VoreLand. Its a fun park for the whole family to go to not just for the rides but also for the people you meet inside and out. Most rides can be ridden with a belly filled with one person of average stature or preds will wait it out and snatch up the disoriented ride goers. For the most part women walk around with little to no clothing but wome preds still prefer the feeling of their clothes straining with prey. The story archs are told from first person perspective and Ill add new characters and branches as often as possible. Also for story purposes there exists a potion dubbed quotThe regurtitatorquot that will free you from any vessel a prey may find himself unwillingly trapped in. quot 4 pages. Pokemon shrink story by AuraDrak nbsp overview quotHello everyone, and welcome to my first story here on this site The main character (you) wakes up, only to find out you are now a few inches tall. Your Espeon, named Psi, shrunk you as you sleep. You roll out of bed, then you get to the door, and it opens, showing one of your pokemon What happens next is up to you My only request is that you ask me before you add anything to this story. Also, no other humans are aloud to be eaten, only you. Im going to add 5 of your favorite pokemon to the start, but you can add any other pokemon you want, just ask me first Any vore is aloud, just ask me firstquot 37 pages. naruhaku by jameswilerd nbsp overview quotthe paring is naruto x hakuquot 3 pages. My Little Pony: Endo is Magic (ADD) by firelordzx5 nbsp overview quotstory somewhat inspired by Komputers Pokemon Endo Vore in writing Thousand Years ago, Nightmare Moon destroyed the human kingdom leaving only refugees and wasterland of the once proud kingdom, after her banishment, Celestia took rule of the remaining humans in good faith, since that, ponykind and mankind lived together as one. Thousands of years has passed and you, an young archmage has mastered the shrink spell for a special task of your master. well, yourself, you have certain fetish of giantess and being inside of one, specially a pony, but you cannot afforn let one grow into one, it might cause havok and chaos that would make Discord proud so. well, you know mastered the shrink spell (said before) and ready to go in a pony Rules: No grimdark stuff like quotSuddenly the ponies turned evil and enslaved mankind. quot Vore of anykind is permited, This is a ENDO story for sake just no hard vore. Go nuts and Have fun )quot 77 pages. Crosso-VORE Academy by SomeGuy1294 nbsp overview quotA college-set interactive FM fan-fic. Open to any fictional females as preds Please read rules before adding. quot 13 pages. Gone by ThatAwesomeGuy nbsp overview quotquot 3 pages. Voretown by cives nbsp overview quotA vore interactive set in an otherwise true-to-life modern setting. Contains primarily humans, same size, and digestive fatality. quot 3 pages. Life Of An Undersized Undergraduate by SwallowMe nbsp overview quot Four years ago, a strange occurrence happened in the world. Teens of age 16, a very small percentage of them, started to shrink slowly over the course of a few days, until they stopped at four inches tall. It was calculated that about 30,000 teens shrunk during that period. Over those four years, it was also calculated that a teen turning 16 had a 0.002 chance of shrinking during that year of their life, like the others did. The cause is still unknown, some think it maybe some kind of bizarre genetic disorder, while others believe that it is possible that the planet was exposed to a drifting field of unknown radiation that possibly only effects some people, but not all. Life is hard for such people that have been effected. Living life at four inches is pretty much impossible without having a normal sized people to act as care givers and protectors. This is the story of Jasons life in college. quot 101 pages. by jak123 nbsp overview quotquot 28 pages. YASVS by hernextmeal nbsp overview quotquot 5 pages. Its a small world by tntlost1 nbsp overview quotIts a Smaaaaaaaaaaal small world XDquot 36 pages. Alicorns Hunger by Battle541 nbsp overview quotThis will be about 1 of our favorite MLP FIM Princesses having a hunger problem or they are just hungryquot 5 pages. Living with mom by Odinkiller9 nbsp overview quotYour a young boy living with your mother in a modest modern day home. Have funquot 5 pages. My little pony spikes weird day by jak123 nbsp overview quotSpike wakes up one day and things are not as they seem will allow anything aslong as spike gets tortured some howquot 9 pages. Emmas Adventure by MasterSpunk68 nbsp overview quotquot 33 pages. Your Cock is Hungry by jistju nbsp overview quotThis is a same size human cock vore story, where you are the pred. quot 7 pages. Overpopulation by AwesomeAustin21 nbsp overview quotWith overpopulation becoming a major issue for earths governments the United Nations greenlight a chemical that changes the anatomy of women and gives them a craving to eat other humans. On a rather un assuming day women worldwide receive plump envelopes containing the pathogen and begin to change. This story features digestion and multiple types of vore. The plan for now is 1 perspective as a prey type male but soon there will be a pred branch when I get the motivation. So far the rules are: 1. Preds typically can only have one person, two is pushing it but there are some women capable of eating more then two people at once. 2. A pred wont feel the desire to eat more then one at a time. Its mainly done for pleasure. 3. Full preds are unappealing to most other predators given their size but will eat them if need be. 4. Women will eat anything they can get their hands on that is alive. They are repulsed by regular food and can barely stomach cooked meats. 5. Female anatomy changes with more people eaten. They start off looking like regular people but after a while they develop more elastic bone structure, wider hips, etc. quot 5 pages. Drop Squad by AhYesLurkers nbsp overview quotHumanity has been enslaved by genetically-modded humans dubbed furries, the only free human presence is in the sky. Are you a bad enough dude to keep them grounded (No rules, just try to be a good writer)quot 7 pages. Catgirl Apartments. by MisterEbony nbsp overview quotLiving with a bunch of catgirls isnt easy. Especially if your a mousegirl Inspired by rp sessions with user Celestia. quot 11 pages. Splatville by StormWolfe nbsp overview quotSplatville is an enigmatic town on its own private island, its location carefully guarded. Owned by a billionaire pervert with genetic engineering at his fingertips, the town of ten thousand has several features that set it aside from the rest of the world. Everyone on this island is a genetically enhanced male, programmed to grow at twice the natural rate and have a naturally good physique. Each is part of one of two castes - feeders or eaters. The names are pretty self-explanatory the feeders are splooge material. They slide down a eaters cock and come out as a creamy mess, while the elite of the island - the 5 of the population who are eaters - turn them into cum for sheer fun. Letquot 4 pages. A Not So Ordinary Day by chrishg1 nbsp overview quotThis is an interactive story that takes place in a near. Take on the role of one of a student and can adventure through the marauding predators in a struggle to survive. or go throughout your day and an unfortunate event may occur. -- This is a work in progress --quot 46 pages. Day at the Zoo by JoeyBurch nbsp overview quotGoing to the zoo can sometimes be boring, but not todayquot 15 pages. A Dragons Tale by MJM709 nbsp overview quotYou are a young, voracious dragon, looking for some tasty creatures to fill your stomach, be they human or otherwise. quot 12 pages. A Risky Office Experiment by SwallowMe nbsp overview quotJason Eager is a 26 year old office worker at a place called Taegar Enterprises. Jasons world is basically a version of Earth accept that in this world most girls and women have the ability to shrink certain people. The ability manifests starting at age 16 and disappears once a woman reaches the age of 36. Boys and men between the ages of 16 and 35 are vulnerable to being shrunk, but if men reach 36, they become immune to the power. Also, there are a small percentage of girls around 5, that dont get the power when they turn 16 and they end up being vulnerable to being shrunk by girls and women with the power. Many studies have been done, but still nobody knows why the ages of 16 to 35 are the only time frame that the power is present and can effect people, or why people can only be shrunk to and between 4 and 20 inches. quot 52 pages. Table for one. by soulless chao nbsp overview quotYou are a waiter. Not just any old waiter, a vore waiter. You work for a company specializing in deriving prey to high paying clients based on their request. How you do your job is up to you as long as the prey is undamaged. The only rule here is that the waiter (you) is off the menu. quot 35 pages. pokemon:female vore by whitewendigo nbsp overview quotYou are either a trainer or a feminine looking Pokmon trying to survive in this bizarre alternate reality of Pokmon. In this world its eat or be eaten you have to make the right choices and friends if your going to survive. quot 81 pages. Lets Caress the Lioness by KinderFire nbsp overview quot(IMPORTANT. THIS STORY STARTS LONG AND DETAILED) This is a story including scenarios subject to several types of vore and some optional fore-play scenes. The Story-taker will have the option of being either a human or an anthro (with a few selections of animal preference). The main character (you) will be with a group of friends going to a local restaraunt. The side characters in the story will remain the same throughout your selection of malefemale and humananthro. Its up to you to decide the rest. As a reminder, the choice of being a human or an anthro in the beginning shouldnt influence the outcome too much. As a side note, writers are needed and much appreciated so that this can continue. So - lets begin. :3quot 64 pages. The Full Tour Interactive by fulltourguy nbsp overview quotYou, an intern for a group of scientists, are going to be part of your higher-ups next experiment, whether or not you like itquot 7 pages. The Right Path by Stenciler nbsp overview quotYou are the main character in this first-person narrative. You are stuck in the woods and need to find a way home. Will you make it out alive or end your story as fat on some unknown creature You decide Anything is allowed other than gore and crushing. All else is fine. quot 18 pages. Giantess Rampage by MJM709 nbsp overview quotA young college cheerleader has the time of her life when she is suddenly transformed into a Giantess. But how will she handle coping with digesting her closest friends for the sake of pleasure Contains mostly vore and digestion, with some crushing, insertion, etc. on the side. quot 32 pages. Vore Livecam by xxnicxx nbsp overview quotAbout a Girl Guy who Vores others for the sake of an Online Vore Community (will contain UB, AV, OV, CV and maybe same Breast Vore)quot 6 pages. The Journey to Wardarna by curlytom4637 nbsp overview quotYou are a general of the human alliance and just won a major victory against invading orcs. You and a captain fought them off single handedly. This is where your story of sex and vore begins. There are many paths to choose and you could even survive the journey. After I complete this story I will probably create another interactive that will continue your story (as the general) if you survive the Dark Forrest. Good luck on your journey to Wardarna. (Please do not add on to this story). quot 96 pages. Escape from vore island by wierdo2000 nbsp overview quotThis is a reUpload from Writting sience they removed it. i saved the most of the pages and uploaded them here if you have any more please put em in and feel free to edit. ) You are a twenty-one year old male named Jaedon, you came with a group of five of your friends on a yacht trip when an unexpected storm ripped your ship up and seperated you all along an island no modern human even knew of. Find your friends, find a way to escape and stay alive in the process if you can. You dont know whether any of your friends are alive, but if you do find either your mates Ben and Lee, or your female friends who managed to persuade you to allow them to tag along Sarah, Emily and Becky on the island, they may help you get off it intact (Mostly open to whatever you want, sex, hard or soft vore, full digestion or not, human predators, furry or other. Just no gay or herm sex between the main character and someone else, anything you want other than that will be fine. probably. Its a vore interactive but that doesnt mean you have to all centered to being eaten, you could even. gasp. survive.) quot 92 pages. a yummy type of vore by rb3 nbsp overview quotanything goes (like it says anything goes)quot 4 pages. Survivore by THExDARKxSANDMAN nbsp overview quotIn an alternate world, several powerful heroins must fight, survive and consume to earn there freedom. quot 17 pages. The Story of Sue by SophiaRaven nbsp overview quotIn a world where cannibalism is legal, Sue is studying Culinary Arts at the Nexus Uniersity. You play the role of Jeanette, Sues room mate. This story involves cooking and hardvore. Soft-vore and non-fatality has no place here. Please dont add content without my permission. quot 7 pages. Intergalactic Innards by Komodo nbsp overview quotA sci-fi story where you play as a nameless predator or prey, depending on your liking. I have only just started working on this project, more info will follow ) quot 30 pages. Story of Aether by curlytom4637 nbsp overview quotThis is the continuation of Aethers story of vore and sex after escaping the Dark Forrest of Arregentia. You will continue Aethers life after his adventure. You will continue where you left off in the Journey to Wardarna. You are Aether, a general of the Army of Wardarna that single handedly, with a human captain, Deric (heir to Wardarna), fended off the invading orc army. You are in Wardarna being debriefed on your mission and what the outcome was. Depending on how the previous chapter ended, you will be under taking different missions. Semoga berhasil. You may even reenter the Dark Forrest of Arregentia. (Please Do Not Add to this Story)quot 5 pages. MLP Spikes dangerous exploration by PuntoPenny nbsp overview quotThis story tells about the adventure of Spike, the little dragon from MLP series. One day he found an old book, and reading it, he found that in the everfree forest there is a cave, that hides a very big and rare gem, so he decides to search it, as a gift for Rarity. After a few hours of research, he find the cave described in the book, and start the exploration. quot 15 pages. Voracious Schooling by ryanshowseason3 nbsp overview quotThis is a setting where vore is embedded into the school system through a simple competitive trial between a guy and gal over a school year. Full explanation and rules on the first page. I will be writing a lot of this but its open for anyone to create side stories where I indicate. quot 17 pages. The Tenant by THExDARKxSANDMAN nbsp overview quotA story were you assume the role of a young male in college looking for a place to stay. then you come across an add int eh newspaper offering cheap housing to someone in your position. its time to meet the landlord A mysterious young girl Named Ayamiquot 14 pages. Kids toilet by jak123 nbsp overview quotYou become a toilet for kids who eat people and and poop them out into you anything Goes etcquot 4 pages. Adventures of the Mint Green Jelly by SinfullyHungry nbsp overview quotThe Mint Green Jelly is a carnivorous blob of unknown origin who particularly enjoys males, unfortunately for them. (This is a fanfiction series of the work of Feli Lance Falkon. Information inside. M vore)quot 7 pages. Dragons Eating Dragons. Fantasy vore adventure. by Zavvnao nbsp overview quotHey, feral dragons of all kinds, Eastern, Western, Wyvern, Feathery Central American ones, etc all need love in vore as well besides all these anthros here. (no restrictions on any orientation or gender. be you 3 contains vore, possible sexual situations, and adventure if you go for it.)quot 4 pages. An Unusual Diner by DangZerglings nbsp overview quotSemi-standard quotreverse dinerquot fare, or just a voracious dining facility in general. Either way, women will be eaten, but dont expect any of them to stay down. Contains gratuitous FF, lesbian content, non-fatal, reformation. quot 16 pages. In the beginning there was Vore by Funnymain nbsp overview quotExactly what you think it is. Im creating a simple to follow story that allows you to have a large range of freedom with your character. This story is only to contain soft oral vore. There will be lots of sex and vore nothing else. Create your character and let the games begin -)quot 22 pages. Sacrifice to the Phoenix by Thephoenix988 nbsp overview quotYou are a sacrifice to a massive mythological birdquot 3 pages. A Vore Beginning by TheVoreEngineer nbsp overview quotYour life has changed forever after you were forced to move to a remote town in the middle of nowhere. Now, you must survive the female residents who seem to have become people enjoy vore, so good luck. quot 21 pages. The Maze of Voracious Vixens by curlytom4637 nbsp overview quotYou are a young man who awakens only to find himself in the middle of a giant maze. A gorgeous woman appears to him and tells him that he is in the Maze of Min, or as it is commonly known, the Maze of Voracious Vixens. He must find his way through the maze without being eaten, absorbed, seduced into slavery, or any other outcome that will stop his hopes of getting home. The amount of females in the maze, beast or human, is unimaginable. Good luck with survival. Rules for adding pages: 1. Only female on male and female on female (pred vs pred). Absolutely no male on male or male on female bullshit. 2. Oral, anal, UB, breast, and absorbtion (slime) vores allowed. 3. I, the creator of this interactive must be able to edit your page for grammatical errors or if it doesnt follow the rules stated. 4. You can add in celebrities as preds. (Such as actresses, porn stars, etc.) If the character isnt really known by a lot of people, please give a brief description of them. 5. If you wish to add a picture or photograph to help show the certain pred you ae adding, please PM me with the picture or photo before posting it so that I can approve it. 6. Sex is allowed and encouraged. 7. Vore can be at any size, whether the main character is an inch tall or normal height. But if they are to be shrunk, make a desperate page for your desired height so that if others want play out as being a different height, they can. 8. No gore or hard vore. 9. Have fun. quot 37 pages. The Hunters and the Hunted (BROKEN - PLEASE DELETE) by BigBellyVoreLuver nbsp overview quotYou are an outcast of society, your main goal to survive the wilderness, making anything youd like into your meal while avoiding anything that tries the same on you in the jungleforest mixture. quot 4 pages. Tough Jobs in a Vore World by Rossum nbsp overview quotEven in a world where vore is real, everyone needs to pay the bills. See if you can survive a job market where you might be on the menuquot 4 pages. Gone by ThatAwesomeGuy nbsp overview quotquot 7 pages. Poke-girl Love by dellobenedetto nbsp overview quotSpend the night with a lovely, voluptuous, beautiful female pokemon. Any sex, vore, or otherwise is allowed. Except for farts. quot 43 pages. loli cafe by rhynohyde nbsp overview quota charming little restaurant where your waitress can be your meal. if you dont bring your ownquot 3 pages. The Cabin by ScaredyCat12 nbsp overview quotMary and Luke are two friends who are on holiday. They decided to spend their free time in a Cabin in the forest. Little do they know that many things lurk in the forest. Hungry things Types of Vore: The Predators will all be male but you can choose your character in the beginning to be a girl or boy. All vore will be unfatal. I will do other fetishes besides vore such as feet and macrophilia. There will be oral vore. Perhaps anal and cock too. Also expect endo and full tour (clean).quot 25 pages. The Adventures of Phoenix and Friends by MinunChaos73 nbsp overview quotA lewd adventure lies in wait before four unlikely heroes and heroines to save the world of Pokemon. Well, one that most wouldnt be used to that is. quot 43 pages. Unfamiliar World by Rajunsiv nbsp overview quotYou wake up in a land that doesnt quite make sense. After all, magic, dragons, and other things found in an adventure book dont REALLY exist, and yet. here you are. can you survive it long enough to tell your tale to othersquot 4 pages. Five Nights at Freddys: The Animatronics Adventure in Felarya by Lightvsdark777 nbsp overview quotIts been fourty years since Freddy Fazbears Pizza closed down. Those who made Fazbears Fright: The Horror Attraction ten years ago have noticed that the animatronics have gone missing. The animatronics then find themselves alive, and Foxy along with the toy animatronics wake up in one piece. The gang then realizes theyre in an unfamiliar land (Felarya). The gang then has to find a way back home, and thats not easy when a lot of things are much bigger than you. (Felarya belongs to Karbo The animatronics featured belong to Scott Cawthon Soft vore is included in this)quot 4 pages. Hungry in the Wild by BigBellyVoreLuver nbsp overview quotYou are an outcast of society, your main goal to survive the wilderness, making anything youd like into your meal while avoiding anything that tries the same on you in the gut-filling nature, whether explorer, animal, or other. Notes: Character is fully up to you, let your imagination run wild The owner of the story (me, BigBellyVoreLuver) will be the only one to edit this story, though PM me if you have suggestions Still a MAJOR WiP, please be patientquot 5 pages. The Dangers of Being a Loli Dragonslayer by masterchaos nbsp overview quotWendy (fairy tail) have a dangerous live. Mages and Monsters, all be a danger if you be a loli. Wendy must also fight everyday for survival. Themes: cannibalvore, soft guro, bondagebdsm, death traps. Not allowed: skat, Analcook vore, Wendy Oversized. If you want to write, please go by this rules. I, am from germany, i hope you unterstand my english quot 80 pages. Skyrim Vore by SortionGD nbsp overview quotThe world of Skyrim with Vorequot 3 pages. The New World of Vore by curlytom4637 nbsp overview quotThe world has been taken over by a group of women who believe that men are weak and are meant to be their slaves. Men work in the mines, fields, and in the bed chamber for the women of the world and they must entertain them or they will end up as far on a womens hips. All women have mastered the practice of vore and will use it when ever they want. Oral, anal and breast vore are allowed along with unbirth. Sex is greatly encouraged. Only women can vore. quot 11 pages. My Life as a Teenage Voraphile resurrected story by NagaFood nbsp overview quotThis interactive story, originally created by BradRepko, was one of the best vore interactives on Writing before it was deleted by that site for unknown reasons. (most likely due to either author inactivity or the admins of the site had a beef with its content -- both things which should not be an issue on Ekas). The story was archived prior to its deletion and I have ported it over to the Ekas Interactive Story System which seems to be much friendlier to these kinds of stories than Writing is. quot 600 pages. Want to be eaten by me by Skyboxmonster nbsp overview quotTake a tour though the insides of a big green Dragon. what do you say (Will contain Oral, Anal, Unbirth, Hard digestion and soft, scat, and impregnation) quot 19 pages. Vore High resurrected story by NagaFood nbsp overview quotThis interactive story, originally created by hungrykitten, was one of the best vore interactives on Writing before it was deleted by that site for unknown reasons. (most likely due to either author inactivity or the admins of the site had a beef with its content -- both things which should not be an issue on Ekas). The story was archived prior to its deletion and I have ported it over to the Ekas Interactive Story System which seems to be much friendlier to these kinds of stories than Writing is. quot 873 pages. by jak123 nbsp overview quotquot 4 pages. The Quest For The Biggest Belly by maxman3000 nbsp overview quotExactly what it says on the tin. In this story your objective is to get the biggest belly ever. An when I say big I mean BIG Like the size of the universe, or the size of a food baby, or any size in between. Your choice. How you make it that big is also your choice. You can fill your belly up by vore, Stuffing, Air, Cum, What ever you want. You can also be what ever you want, furry, human, male or female, what ever you want. Here are the rules: Lolicon is allowed. scat is not allowed. Sex is allowed. Homosexuality is allowed. Belly bursting is allowed as long as you have it as an option. that is all for now. I also need all of you to help me edit this story, the more help the better. thank you. quot 22 pages. Adventure Time Vore by EmissaryOfRainbows nbsp overview quotVore featuring the characters from the show Adventure Time Feel free to contribute whatever you wantquot 74 pages. Vorestuck by EmissaryOfRainbows nbsp overview quotA vore story with the characters from Homestuckquot 10 pages. Realm of Exesus by Battalia nbsp overview quotThe fantasy Realm of Exuses has claimed you as its latest victim. A land where myth and magic are alive, and humans are little more then cattle. Can you make the journey and claim your freedom from this waking nightmare Or will you call the warm slick walls of a full belly your final home If you are interested in contributing, please contact quotBattaliaquot on Ekas forums first. Thanksquot 50 pages. Secrets of Faybrook Academy by knt27 nbsp overview quotYou are a student at Faybrook Academy, a prestigious coed boarding school. Many dark secrets await discovery in the shadowed halls and mossy forests that cover the grounds of Faybrook. Soon you will discover that some mysteries are better left unsolved. quot 72 pages. The Life of Renic by TheRenic nbsp overview quotRenic is a male anthro wolf. He lives with his mother Alba. Read the story to learn more. quot 5 pages. Beyond the Gates by woodgnome5 nbsp overview quotMicro Female Pred All types of Vorequot 12 pages. Sea World Vore and Unbirth by Tornadochaser1 nbsp overview quotYou are at Sea World and all the animals want to consume you. How you are consumed is up to you. There will be no hard vore, no digestionabsorption, no scat or peeing scenes. Keep any sexual scenes mild please. All other vores are encouraged. Have fun. quot 5 pages. The Week by TheVoreEngineer nbsp overview quotYour mother has been offered a huge fortune by a mysterious man, and now, you must live in a small off the map town for a week. What this week holds, is an adventure though a town committed to the art of Vore, creating many a danger for a young boy such as yourself. Can you survive the toughest week of you life, or become the meal for one lucky predator. quot 15 pages. Academia Vore by Dodo7773 nbsp overview quotElige un centro educativo especializado en vore y preparate para darte un buen festquot 33 pages. Tifas adventure by anthony050 nbsp overview quotTifa and some friends have some fun in a unknown world. Female pred only. quot 11 pages. 2421 A. D. by sweetladyamy nbsp overview quotIn the future, a lot has changed, and the new laws that are new in place allow for many new ideas to be explored. Are you up for taking on the challenge of a new worldquot 45 pages. Rite of Passage by studmonkey nbsp overview quotIt is your time to become a man in the world. Living with only your mother in a small village, you are urged to visit the mysterious giant deep within the woods. He is said to help make you into a grown man, but what does that meanquot 9 pages. Namine die Schlsselschwert Meisterin by masterchaos nbsp overview quotIn einer anderen Parallel Dimension wurde Namine auch von dem Schlsselschwert erwhlt. Allerdings herrschen in dieser Welt, nicht nur positive Begebenheiten. Denn auch die Mitglieder der Organisation 13, verhalten sich anders. Sie glauben, dass man zum Wiedererhalten eines Herzens ein Schlsselschwert Meister sein muss. Schlielich hatte Sora es ja auch geschafft Folglich glaubten sie, das man sich irgendwie die Kraft eines anderen Schlsselschwert Meisters einverleiben msse. Namine wurde zu diesen Zweck zum Schloss des Vergessens gebracht. Story enthlt: ( cannibalism, vore, peril, very soft gore und tf.)quot 25 pages. Waking up with a headache by Bloodborn nbsp overview quotWaking up at random areas grown or shrink. A MicroMacro interactive. Female and Male Preds and Prey. quot 5 pages. Vortal Kombat by EmissaryOfRainbows nbsp overview quotVore with the Mortal Kombat charactersquot 16 pages. Skyrim is for. Vore by curlytom4637 nbsp overview quotThis is an interactive based on the game Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim from Bethesda Studios. You can either play as a male adventurer, or any other male really, a voracious female with a lust for the flesh of men and mer (mer are elves), or a female who doesnt vore. Yes only females can vore, well at least of the men and mer. Certain animals can also devour you even if you are a fellow predator. All can add as long as it is somewhat pertains to the game. Meaning that it must take place in Skyrim, Solsteim, or any other regionprovince of Tamriel that is included in a mod, such as Elswyer or Morrowind. Oral, anal, unbirth, and breast vore are allowed along with sex. Since Skyrim is a pretty dark game, there can be death of any kind, through fighting, digestion, assassination and more. And one more rule on the vore, please keep it soft. Some chewing is ok, but no ripping of someones head with your mouth, if female, but if you are eaten by a dragon, well, they are the exception to the rule, in combat. Some of this content is based on the devourment mod. quot 20 pages. Super Princess Peach: Hunger Pain Panic by MasterSpunk68 nbsp overview quotPeach and her friends Daisy and Rosalina were relaxing at her castle when suddenly, Bowser showed up and announced that he had kidnapped Pauline and taken over each of the seven lands in the Mushroom Kingdom. Now the princesses must reclaim the kingdom, beat Bowser and save Pauline, but it wont be easy. Bowse and his army are hungry due to a mysterious force that is making them feel famished, and princesses are their favorite type of food. Can the girls come out on top, or are they royally screwed WARNING: Contains all types of vore hard and soft as well as sexual violence - DO NOT EDITquot 89 pages. On the Couch with Stephen by AnalagousSam nbsp overview quotVERY VERY WIP. I wouldnt bother reading it yet. An (experimental) interactive based around those conversation simulator games, where you choose what to say, and see where it takes the story. It centers around you, the male, human protagonist, as you sit on the couch in your bachelors pad, with your pet andor boyfriend Stephen, an anthropomorphic German Shepherd. Itll mostly focus on oral vore, with variation on the willingness of the prey, whether or not digestion occurs, and other things. Please dont edit, thanksquot 7 pages. Umberth College by maxman3000 nbsp overview quotWelcome to Umberth College. Climb on in Now with UB, bellies, and funquot 164 pages. Catering to Hungry Girls by eleventh nbsp overview quotA revival of a revival of an old interactive from that site that deletes pretty much all vore interactives, yet is somehow still one of the top places people put them in the first place. ltrantgt Anyhow, Im mostly going to put up the old bits, but might work on it some. It cant grow if it just sits in a folder after all. quot 229 pages. Kid vore reloaded by jak123 nbsp overview quotMy updated version of kid vore anything goes even masturbationquot 59 pages. First Fleet by fourfleets nbsp overview quotA story primarily revolving around a Fantasy era, where Humanity exists - butnot necessarily co-exists with a wild population of Monsters of various assortment - Male and Female, all Demi. The focus is Unbirth and Cock Vore, with non-fatal endings. quot 3 pages. Vore High by TheShadowWalker nbsp overview quotYou are a student in a school you just moved to, can you last the weekquot 3 pages. Fanfic Fetiche by Dodo7773 nbsp overview quotDiversos fanfics interactivos de distintas franquicias con fetiches que van desde vore hasta transformaciones. quot 28 pages. Tiny PokeToy by Anthan nbsp overview quotKidenapped and shrunken, a human finds themselves as the new plaything to a family of Eeveelutions. quot 5 pages. Down At The Bar by JohnPablo nbsp overview quotMostly MM, HumanFurries, First person POV, Soft Vore, Size difference (2-4 feet), Might get messy. Basic grammar and literacy is expected. quot 57 pages. Subject 24-A by TheNinja0 nbsp overview quotYou are a male of an uncertain background and past who is two feet tall. No Gore, male preds, hard vore, scat or death please. quot 41 pages. The Monster under the bed by Fenris nbsp overview quotYou are a monster that lives under the beds of children. Parents insist you are just a myth but we all know thats a lie. You come from an entire world of monsters who love having little children over for dinner. if you know what I mean. Contains Underage vore, both soft and hard. No raping or having sex with any prey under the age of 16. Eating them is ok, but no naughty stuff with themquot 3 pages. My CV stadium branch by tastyWeasel nbsp overview quotThis is my planned addition for the Cock Vore stadium revived by getinmybelly. aryiong4view267613 My mood to (be horny) ahem, write this is sporadic at best. Since I do not want to add it chunk by chunk and have one of my arcs go in a direction Id rather not like and have to deal with it there, I put it here as a sorts of rough draft. That way I can still work on my story and upload it all to CV stadium in one piece when its ready. RULES: This is merely exploring my ideas, please do not add to this interactive. Though suggestions are fine. NOTES: Im aware that the first arc (with the stallion pred) is much older than the rest of this and namely has the issue of jumping back and forth from 2nd to 3rd person to much. I know it has to be revised. quot 12 pages. FOR SCIENCE. by Leita nbsp overview quotYou are a researcher working to develop a cure to the worlds transportation crisis. The Experiment goes horribly wrong, leaving you with some amazing abilities. (be verbose. no one liners.)quot 7 pages. The Dungeon Of Vore by Shironom nbsp overview quotYou awake to find yourself in a stone chamber. There are three doors in front of you, and one behind. quot 30 pages. Ravynas Shop of Horrors by darkravenomens nbsp overview quotYou find yourself in a magical shop with a room of doors. Through those doors all your dreams, and nightmares, are waiting for you. quot 24 pages. The vore pals by eduar12 nbsp overview quotFour friends need to do decisions. Pred prey, human beast help them decidequot 9 pages. Dragons Lair by Gemdragon nbsp overview quotYou wake up in a dragons lair Can you get out before the dragon(s) find you, or do you wish to stayquot 50 pages. Mass Effect vore interactive by Leifkin7 nbsp overview quotMass Effect has a plethora of interesting aliens and such, many would be awesome to become a snack for. You are a human, a race that, in this universe, is significantly smaller than the other species, and vorish adventures ensue. You play as a human who is considering getting himself or herself eaten, and apparently, ithat isnt very hard to do. quot 48 pages. Naga Hunting Habits by Redswolf nbsp overview quotThe world of Harigar is a dangerous place. The humans on the world just manage to survive in their fortress cities while gigantic nagas prowl and hunt just outside the safe zones. Travel is not safe but necessary in order for these tiny morsels of these larger than life predators to survive. Luckily for you, you are not one of these tiny humans but one of the many who hunt them for food and for pleasure. It is time to hunt. Rules - Soft vore only - Insertion is allowed - Males allowed, but mainly females - Crush is allowed - No yaoi, but straight and yuri allowed - Humans can befriend and help preds - Sex is allowed quot 4 pages. Not Only Hollows. by Redswolf nbsp overview quotA Bleach vore and shrinking fetish interactive. It is a well known fact amongst those in the afterlife that hollows devour other souls. What is not well known, at least to the male population among such spiritual beings, is that females of all the races are capable of shrinking said males and those who become aware of this fact always find themselves abusing this ability in such male dominated societies. You are one of such females and long have you been aware of this fact. It is a new day and you find yourself ready to satisfy your needs at the horror of your little pets and toys. Rules Female preds only, soft vore only, insertion allowed, crush is allowed, sex is allowed, straight and yuri only, preds with unaware boyfriends allowed. quot 10 pages. Shrunken on a farm by Jswrighting nbsp overview quotWhat would you do if you woke up 3quot tall on a farm full of horny animals would you get vored, raped, analvored or would you gladly comply Rules: MM allowed FF allowed MF allowed Anthros arent the main focus of the story so there will be a small area for that kind of activity quot 5 pages. Down the Belly Maze by Shadowblaze nbsp overview quotGet gulped down to the center of all the bellies before its too late This is an experimental interactive - written quick and rough without too much care for good writing, just sexy fun quot 8 pages. Night at pig manor by hackerkyle nbsp overview quotYou and your four buddies. Mark, Dan, Terry, and John all after a long night of drinking at a small Halloween party, decide to head up to an old manor that sits on the edge of town. While there, you four experience strange events, and its unclear if any of you will make it out alive. The rules for this are simple: Only MM, oral, anal, cock. Some more exotic vores like naval, nose, and pec are okay. Also no hard vore Some themes of transformation and hypnosis are also going to be in this story. Sex between characters is fine too. But besides that, have fun with this story Hope you all enjoy itquot 30 pages. Frisky Dinner (Undertale Vore by fattydaddy nbsp overview quotFrisk wants to get more intimate with Papyrus. Papyrus eats them because he is an idiot. quot 4 pages. 0 Carmys Abenteuer by masterchaos nbsp overview quotCarmy eine Junge Schlerin in einer fernen Welt, will eigentlich nur ein Normales Leben fhren. Doch leider zieht sie Probleme frmlich an. Ihr bleibt nichts anderes brig, als von einen Gefhrlichen Abenteuer ins nchste zu stolpern. (abgesehen von Scat, kann alles passieren, also seid vorsichtig) quot 199 pages. Around Town by ryanshowseason3 nbsp overview quotVore scenarios centered around a boarding school town. This story exists for myself and my partner in development LadyList to explore a joint setting and flesh it out. I wont remove any offshoot chapters anyone adds. But unless a storyline written by myself or lady list explicitly says it is open for public additions please refrain. I may delete chapters unapologetically if they strike a wedge in our work. All the story lines are based on locations around a fictional town. They will likely not relate to each other. Also please respect the setting rules. Which are. Herms and females only. This setting has no males. No hard vore. Gooey and gorey digestions are fine. No pregnancy play. No furry or demi characters. Humans only. Reforming exists through various technologies but is not guaranteed. Characters can die for good. quot 3 pages. Of Mice and and Cats by SirAqua nbsp overview quotWhen a Mouse sets out to regain his sisters honor after she is burdened by a cat, He quickly realizes he bit off more than he can chew. Can you bring him out if it alive, will he want to live afterwards quot 17 pages. The land of Rebirth by RemingtonV nbsp overview quotYou are a knight sent to investigate a series of disappearances of caravans, diplomats, warriors, and other travelers in a newly discovered land. You soon learn that this land is filled with matronly monsters who wish to grow their tribes using these unwilling (or are they) wanderers. Can you discover the secrets of this land Or will you wind up in the womb of one of its many monsters, destined to become its newest childquot 5 pages. Cat Caretaker by somhtam nbsp overview quotAnother badly thought out dead story, dont bother with it. quot 12 pages. Shrunken Pokmon vore by MilokarossFN1 nbsp overview quotPokemon vore. About this interactive vore story: Only soft oral vore, unbirth or soft tail vore. Predator and prey will always be of opposite genders. Mainly good endings, but also bad ones. Mawplay, pawplay, foodplay, digestion, reformation, etc. Im sorry but, Ill NOT accept people doing pages here, unless I give them permission. quot 13 pages. The Other World (by Atak) by rayman21 nbsp overview quotInteractive version of Ataks The Other World, transplanted from Writing. quot 119 pages. Just Another Vore Adventure by flyingpotatolicker nbsp overview quotThis is my first vore interactive. Only soft vore and nothing sexual. Have funquot 30 pages. Advorentures VOL 1 by imalive4ever nbsp overview quotHoping to make a vast chain of possibilities and not leave any possibilities blank. quot 8 pages. Anal vore at the mall by sirvoresalot nbsp overview quotYou are a sexy female seeking prey to swallow with your gorgeous butthole. quot 11 pages. VoreLands Life by KingLoner nbsp overview quotHave you ever wondered what being able to explore the different worlds of Vore would be like Well look no further VoreLands is, in short, a place where you can go to a preference world of Vore Theres just three simple rules. No using other peoples characters without proper permission here. Sorry but no first person continuations please. Just makes it easier for everyone to use the same persons in storytelling. And last rule. Follow any ruleslawscodesetc your country and Ekas Portal has. Okay Then lets begin our adventure Greatness awaitsquot 7 pages. The Other Pokmon Adventures by can nbsp overview quotIm starting my own Pokemon Interactive Adventure over here on Ekas, I plan to add in MacroMicro, Softvore, Unbirth, and a few others, along with what I hope to be a good story line. Since I will be using page one as an over all intro, I plan to allow this to branch out. quot 4 pages. Mouse in a cat house by Justadude nbsp overview quotYou are a cat who was lost on the streets. Soon you find a house full of actually nice anthro-cat ladys, at least they arent like the others who eat mice. rightquot 22 pages. A Life of Growth by FrostedCanine nbsp overview quotThis is the tale of a creature, born in the world small yet hungry - very hungry. There was long ago a legend of such a creature, one who could vore others, filling up its stomach. In its sleep, it would grow larger, waking up hungry again. Is this creature the one of the legend Destined to rule the world ----------------------------------- Will contain soft vore, anal vore, cock vore, sex, etc. No hard vore. No humans. quot 24 pages. The Grindhouse by primalconundrum nbsp overview quotA club for people who dont plan on surviving the night. You might disappear down someones gullet, into their balls, or you might end up meeting your end some other way and having your broken body left in the dumpster out back. Or perhaps youre feeling hungry, or in the mood to break someone else The club caters to it allquot 10 pages. Vore in the Real-World. by Fangroller nbsp overview quotIt should just been an average life. Pay taxes, party too hard, yknow, the good stuff. Instead, people are going around eating and each other, with no one bating an eye. So, what will you do, when vore becomes realquot 30 pages. Anthro RPG by Thagrahn nbsp overview quotInspired by the Adventure RPG comic currently being done by Rayen, this interactive is going to allow a few more choices, and let you see the consiquences of many of the choices you could take at each point. Some Story points will all lead to the same place eventually, but some may take longer to get there. quot 92 pages. The Hybrid Food Chain by HeroicSpirit nbsp overview quotFar away in a distant land, there is a not so ordinary forest. Within these woods, numerous hybrid human creatures. Small bird sized harpies fly through the sky. Dear centaurs roam the meadows casually munching on grass. Tiny fish sized mermaids swim through the streams without a care. At first glance this strange environment may appear peaceful. Yet despite these creatures humanoid appearances, they are more of a creature than man. You are one of these creatures. And this is your story. quot 1 pages. The Hybrid Food Chain by HeroicSpirit nbsp overview quotFar away in a distant land, there is a not so ordinary forest. Within these woods, numerous hybrid human creatures. Small bird sized harpies fly through the sky. Dear centaurs roam the meadows casually munching on grass. Tiny fish sized mermaids swim through the streams without a care. At first glance this strange environment may appear peaceful. Yet despite these creatures humanoid appearances, they are more of a creature than man. You are one of these creatures. And this is your story. quot 4 pages. Pokemon: Predators among us. by SparkyThunders nbsp overview quotYou awaken in The Pokemon world that arouses a power older than Arceus Himself. The banished power is no longer in concealment. The members who withhold it have formed an alliance to consume others for strength. Youve been ordered to stop them from an the (ELIJA) Elite League of International Justice Alliances. One Problem: ELIJA is a community in shadows. Your troop was subdued. And Your memory was wiped clean in order to protect the others. You may use The Power to save people, absorb them for power, or captivate them until they are broken. Writers who have helped so far: Sparkythunders, Jayezox, PachirisuandAsmodeus. quot 99 pages. Discord High School by Draconatedz nbsp overview quotIn the hallowed halls of learning, trickery and cunning predators lurk. Enter Discord High School, a place of learning that certainly lives up to its name. Its in a world where vore is known and attempted to be controlled, with results that leave much to be desired. Student eat student, student eat teacher, teacher eat student, sometimes even teacher eat teacher, the chain of command is in a constant state of change. Since this is an interactive, simply create your character or choose an existing one and head about your way in this dangerous land filled with generic characters to develop and use ideas on. quot 25 pages. Feeling Flushed by TheWatcher nbsp overview quotA strange feature is discovered in a particular brand of toilet. Trouble is, almost everyone in North America owns it Follow Iris and friends and have fun being flushed away, or try your best to avoid taking the plunge This story has high priority on ToiletFlush vore of all kinds. No gore or hard vore. Characters can be lost forever. Sexual content is allowed. Scat and other bathroom content is allowed but not preferred. Chapters containing it MUST be properly marked. quot 12 pages. No right option by Pounce nbsp overview quotYou woke up in a dark room, without recollection of how you got there. What you do next is up to you. quot 12 pages. This is your destiny. by cxrf3w nbsp overview quotquotEvery now and then an individual surpasses normal expectation, becoming a higher power than any other can accomplish. You must take up the role of a hero. It is your future, path, and destiny. Take it however you want. Arent many rules to this, open to mostly anything aside from hard vore of course. Digestion, Disposal, Destiny in whatever way you want Just keep the grammar proper and have decently sized entriesquot 11 pages. Its a vore world in here by Insanity7 nbsp overview quotThis is a vore world generator. quot 9 pages. Kaiju Pon: Strange Monster by Pochii nbsp overview quotIn this thrilling interactive story you play the role of a mighty Brave someone who does whatever is needed for their town. However, when the village elder asks you to hunt down a Kaiju, you are placed in mortal danger. Will you survive, or will you end up as lunch for a fearsome monsterquot 19 pages. Vorabloom: A Fantastic Paradise by DestinyLust nbsp overview quotAn interactive holding the branching stories in the Vorabloom setting. If youre here to read, welcome If youre here to write, Im afraid this is not the place. This is a kind of organized archive that people can explore as the quotstoryquot of the Vorabloom characters unfolds. In these stories, preds, prey, and the vore involved, are chosen randomly, and scenarios are built around these random results. Then I write them up to be as hot as possible. Vore is technically permanent in this world, but there are so many methods of rebirth, including just waiting for someone to willingly rebirth a random soul, that characters will slowly return to the story. However, within branches of this story, if someones soul has been vored, they wont be returning. There are ways to, but its so rare that it will be used as a way of permakilling characters inside of a story branch. All of this will be decided randomly, of course. quot 7 pages. Darkest Dream by SomeGuy1294 nbsp overview quot A second-person prey story in which you take the role of a chaste young woman, Mona, who finds herself trapped in a peculiar castle filled with deadly, female monsters. One false step, and these lustful predators will sate their hunger and their sexual desires with your virgin flesh. Will you be able to escape being corrupted and consumed And will you ever discover how you came to be trapped her in the first place Contains ff, oral vore, digestion, unbirth, absorption, cleavage-vore, vampirism, fem-cum digestion, tentacle bondage and sex, same-size, semi-macro, seduction and ambiguously nonconsensual sex and domination (lesbian only). No editing, please. If you have questions, comments or critiques, please PM me or access the forum thread here: aryionforumviewtopic. phpf22ampt45476 Im really eager to hear what my story did for you. quot 20 pages. inheritance cycle vore, unbirth, submission, and gts by dragonvenom nbsp overview quotRules: Fm ff only All vore but hard vore and scat Digestion is allowed and encouraged Must be 18 or older Sex is allowed Hermaphrodite are allowed quot 77 pages. The Blue Sky Project by Snowcap nbsp overview quotThis is a story involving a very rare fetish, and that is the fetish of living aircraft or machines. This is not the place to make fun of odd fetishes so. please refrain from that quot 6 pages. The Terraria project. by FrozenEvil nbsp overview quotAn interactive story based in the gigantic world of Terraria (Please note: No playergoblinhumanoid Terraria mob preds please. I want this to be a non-anthro predator vore adventure) Sex allowed and so is all forms of vore, including unbirthtransformationscat etc. If you dont like full digestive processes or scat, just ignore those partsquot 4 pages. sexual fantasy by kingalex1234 nbsp overview quotFulfill your wildest (or kinkiest) fantasy ever bNote: no gore, and no major pain (I. e. Blood, stabbing, electrocution) otherwise, anything goes. bquot 8 pages. Prison FR by Yann nbsp overview quotEnfermer contre votre gr dans une prison vous chercher vous chappez. Mais qui est enferm avec vous. Et qui est votre tortionnaire quot 4 pages. Aventures vorarephiques FR by Zazou nbsp overview quotUn monde immense mais dangereux soffre a vous. trouverez vous le courage de lexplorer quot 19 pages. Fallout: Vore Edition by TastyWillingPrey1011 nbsp overview quotWell, its the faloout universe and all its beasties, with a new twist of eat or be eaten-and probably fucked along the way. Anything goes here, add what ya want. quot 9 pages. SWTOR: A Buffet Of a Cantina by Rainbowdash5432 nbsp overview quotNo male preds, warn before digestion or scat occurs, and no water sports, for now almost anything else is allowed, try to keep as close to starwars lore as possible. quot 12 pages. by Allemone nbsp overview quotMy first ever interactive. If youre going add, please make sure to use proper grammar. Other than that have funquot 8 pages. Lucario and the Skuntank (AV) by SkunkyAV nbsp overview quotThis interactive story is about a Lucario and a Skuntank that wants to AV the lucarioquot 13 pages. Fairytale ritual by Duskthewolfcub nbsp overview quotYou and a friend tries a ritual that turns your world into a fairytale you desire to be in most however you or your friend gets to be a hungry fairytale villain wanting a happily ever after in the villians favour question is are you the bad guy or your friend quot 12 pages. Monstrous Adventures by TrustFall nbsp overview quotIts time for a vacation Choose your ideal vacation destination and hope for a relaxing timequot 44 pages. Fallout: Voracious by Aces nbsp overview quotYoure a refugee whose story begins in Vault 7, trying to escape your hungry captors Your home has fallen into anarchy after food supplies failed. Can you get out alive If you do, how will you fare on your own in the wasteland Based on the story of Fallout: Guts and Glory written by Aces. quot 149 pages. Escape from Vore Forest by ToasterBoi nbsp overview quotYou are a Riolu, lost in a forest of literal Pokemon-eat-Pokemon. Will you survive long enough to escape and return home Or will you join the ranks of the predators withinquot 5 pages. Comic-Anime-Cartoon-Game-Book Vore Resurrected. by fanultra nbsp overview quotAn attempt at restoring as much of an old Writing Interactive as possible. quot 7 pages. A Date With a Vorno Star by RedPredator nbsp overview quotLucky you, you won a date with the legendary vorno star Veza, an anthro shark with a taste for people. After the date, the deal was that you would star in her newest video. quot 6 pages. A quotlittlequot story by djninjitsu nbsp overview quotyou get up in a dark room quot 4 pages. All4U by All4U nbsp overview quotIts all for youquot 10 pages. Food Wars: Road to Glory by Layab547 nbsp overview quotFor hundreds of years, the greatest chefs have battled to prove their skill in preparing the best dishes. Now, it is your turn Prove yourself, craft delicious meals, and avoid ending up as one yourself. (WIP)quot 26 pages. HungerTale: An adult human in the Underground by booleanTrue nbsp overview quotIn this alternate universe of the game quotUndertalequot, monsters absorb the souls of humans by shrinking them down with magic and devouring them. You are an adult human who has fallen down. Will you find yourself the snack of one of the Undergrounds denizens, or will you harness your DETERMINATION to turn the tables on them In this world its EAT, or BE EATEN Rules: - Soft, oral vore only - Can be fatal (prey is digested and their soul absorbed) or non-fatal (prey is not digested, or are digested but their soul returned and their body reformed) - Food prep is allowed, cooking is not (you are welcome to be eaten along with other food and for there to be other food in the stomach with you) - Willing and unwilling are both allowed, for pred and prey - Unaware is allowed - Be descriptive and detailed - Show, dont tell - Put at least 1-2 paragraphs per post - No underage, pred or prey, period. - No scat - Do your best with grammarquot 14 pages. Test by Sefirea nbsp overview quotThis is just a test. Will be deleting it shortly. quot 4 pages. The Labyrinth by Sefirea nbsp overview quotThe Emperor is dead. The gruelling twenty seven year civil war ended abruptly in a single night of flames and blood. The home estate torn asunder, tarnished marble and ash dusted dirt a bleak adornment to the halberd that stood centre stage in the grey, barren wasteland of a courtyard. 1. Enjoy yourself If youre not having a good time, then probably best to not continue. P 2. Races. The available Playable Races are listed above. You can only make characters based within these races. To get a new race added, PM me. 3. Additions. Try to keep the flow of the story going. Nothing wrong with throwing a wrench into the works, but if a character is currently exploring a new room, then suddenly having them be above ground in a restaurant doesnt really work. 4. Quality of additions. Im not too fussy on size or writing quality, but do try to put in a decent amount of effort. If you feel that what youve written is good and youre happy with it, then thats all I ask. quot 8 pages. Saturday Night Vore by swallow91 nbsp overview quotYoure heading out to the gay club in search for some fun and maybe something to eat. quot 1 pages. Cjs family and friends by deathbringr102 nbsp overview quotIm going to try to make a interactive story about my characters. It will have ub vore av cv maybe bv. no gore or scat. It might take me a while to complete. If you have any ideas shoot me a message and Ill implement it as best as I can. quot 107 pages. Monster girl Quest by maxman3000 nbsp overview quotIn this interactive story you can have monster girls eat you, you can eat monster girls, you can feed monster girls or a monster girl can feed you, All monster girls are allowed, there are no limits. quot 3 pages. lost in the woods by ertp12 nbsp overview quota 15 year old boy goes in to the woods that has a rumor to tell about five wolfs who would help any one who visits the woods and ends up lost but comes with a price in this story there is no digestion but the is ov, cv, av, with in this story have a great time in the woods just dont get lostquot 26 pages. canine bonding by ertp12 nbsp overview quotdavid a 15 year old boy has a bond with his pure bread husky jenna and hey mate which is to be a wolfdog named balto how well is this bondage between his two friends or will he become the pet to Jenna and balto lets see how things go from here have a great time (av, cv, ov, unbirth, and sv) quot 24 pages. wolf friends by ertp12 nbsp overview quotquot 3 pages. The Pit by MrEman nbsp overview quotIn a remote alley downtown stood a black door with white lettering that simple read quotThe Pitquot. Inside, people could indulge in their innermost fantasies. Caught somewhere between a luxury hotel and a seedy brothel, this was most likely the last place youd ever stay. quot 7 pages. Dragons Delight by TaurenDevourer nbsp overview quotYou are a dragon from the land of Azeroth. One from one of the many flights. Question is. Are you going to end the day with a full belly, or within onequot 7 pages. Escape The Hungry Snake by JoeyTheMouse nbsp overview quotAs usual your village has gathered the strongest of men to go out into the woods in search of food and water, supplies are lately running low and its nearing the end of Summer. If you and the village want to survive you must find food at any cost. But, there have been rumors that a snake with insatiable hunger has been slithering around. And word is that this reptile is capable of hypnosis and even swallowing whole a fully grown human being You must be careful, After all it is you whos finding food rather than BEING food This story includes soft vore, sexual scenes, choking. quot 6 pages. My life in a Voraphiles Future by TheVoreEngineer nbsp overview quotOnce, there was an interactive story know as My Life as a Teenage Voraphile, originally created and mostly written by BrandRepko, hosted on the literature site writing until the story was removed from its archives. While posted again here on Ekas, it remains largely incomplete. Therefore, one must have it, Reimagined. My life in a Voraphile World is a reimaging of the stories available in My Life as a Teenage Voraphile, with new, deeper and richer writing and lore, with complete characters and constant updates, decided by the community. A reminder that a majority of the stories consist of female predators with soft vore, with possibilities of detailed scat and graphic digestion. I hope you enjoy what I have to offer you. quot 85 pages. Actress vore by Causticgut nbsp overview quotAn actress goes out for a large meal but what does she eatquot 5 pages. 40XX by QuantumSolution nbsp overview quotEons have passed in the future, but through tales of the past and a new compressed world filled with natural resources humanity might have a chance in a world that has evolved to consume the overpopulation of humans. quot 6 pages. Midnight Raid by kellam nbsp overview quotA group of lizardfolk raiders attacks your camp in the night. None escape. quot 19 pages. The Vet by CutiePuppy nbsp overview quotYou are a human doctor in a world of anthros Today, just like any other, you find yourself at work in a white room containing all the essentials youll ever need when dealing with patients of all species. Before you stands a very old elephant lady wearing a rose coloured dress with flower patterns. She giggles as you hand her the prescription you had just wrote out before saying, quotHere you are, Miss Marshall quotOh honey, you can call me Susan. quot She winks and smiles before turning and heading for the door. As it closes behind her you finish writing down all the details of her condition and set the clipboard aside before stepping over to the far wall, pushing a button that would signal your next patient to come in. You wait, hoping it will be nothing serious when you hear the click of the door handle and through the doorway steps a. quot 17 pages. Amy Flavors by Spunkomatic66 nbsp overview quotIn an alternate world where Amy Rose is the hero in place of Sonic, Amy goes to the land of Flavopia when she gets a mysterious message begging for help. There, she comes across the Deadly Six, who kidnap her friend Cream. Amy must now save Cream with the help of the powerful Flavites, but shell have to look out - Zomom has created many monsters who are all dying to eat the pink powerhouse. Will Amy be the planets savior, or just a scrumptious snack Its up to you to decidequot 113 pages. Choose your own Meal by MisterUsername nbsp overview quotThis is my first interactive story where i am to provide a quotchoose your own adventurequot kind of experience, being able to choose from a variety of characters. You may play as prey, or predator, or a bit of both. Includes: Soft Vore, Hard vore (less prominent), Digestion, Scat, Unbirth, Beast girls, Bestiality, Pregnancy, Lactation, Cum inflation. and a few other things i cant think of at the moment, this list will be updated with the more i write. This story has mostly female predators and female prey, and the player character will always be female. Have fun :)quot 17 pages. Escape the dungeon of vore. by Allemone nbsp overview quotCan you escape the dungeon of vore Or will you fall prey to the various predators out to devour you. Only time will tell. quot 1 pages. ravinous digimon revival by Nocturn nbsp overview quotwriting has erased many storys including ravinous digimon so i am trying to revive it with what was archived i am going to expand it with some new options and transfer what can be transfered all types of vore are allowed except hard vore this is about digimon voring each other and humans and many a human getting in on it please respect where it was left off since agumon and gabumon are gay in their own stories and they will not suddenly switch etc others are gay but just pointing this out you can choose a female character if not one of them also guilmon is bi but some of the pages are gonequot 48 pages. The Reclamation by Vitabscondiam nbsp overview quotgtStasis. stopped gtSystem reboot. Status:Running gtTime since last connect. 2000 yrs. quot 3 pages. by Sharktooth98 nbsp overview quotM quot 1 pages. Blinks Awakening (WIP) by Layab547 nbsp overview quotThe ancient kingdom of Hyrule has been overrun by the Dark World. The people blessed of the goddess, the Hylians, were transformed into more monstrous forms, while true monsters were infected with a powerful hunger. Now, the people live in fear, ruled over by the King of Evil and his mysterious queen, enhanced by the fabled Golden Power. The last remaining hope, the Legendary Hero, has yet to appear. In the middle of all this, a young female rabbit is fast asleep. Not a true interactive. This story will be in a Choose-your-own-adventure style, written entirely by Layab547. Contains both Hard and Soft Vore of all kinds, along with many other ways to die, incest, many more fetishes, and underage prey. quot 38 pages. Betrayals and indigestions in the ivory fortress by kernac nbsp overview quotYou are a thief infiltrating a mysterious fortress in search of your missing brother. You bring with you two female companions who may or may not have ulterior motives. Many dangers and gastric terminations awaits you inside this treacherous citadel. This interactive story is primarily focused on oral vore, digestion and female preds. A lot of the preds will be furry but I will also include some demi and human predators from time to time. Featuring both same-size and macromicro vore as well as anything in between Of course other types of vore and predators will be sprinkled in from time to time for varietys sakequot 14 pages. Small Bargain by SuperKirby nbsp overview quotA teen boy becomes near-invincible at the cost of his size. quot 3 pages. Adventure in fairy tales land by kernac nbsp overview quotYou are an 11 year old orphan whisked away to the land of fairy tales where you search for a family to adopt and love you. This interactive is focused on encountering various fairy tales characters (and some folklore-inspired original characters) and exploring various vorish scenario with them. Contains both male and female preds, furry and humans as well as same size and macromicro. This interactive will also most likely include fatal digestion, soul vore and some bones and scat disposal (but path leading to those will always contain a warning).quot 59 pages. Eat and Defeat by PreciousGem nbsp overview quotIn the world of Felarya, Dalia the inu innkeeper goes on many, or just a few, adventures. Brew some potions, visit your Mistress, experiment, or brave the Death World that is Felarya on the slim chance of finding treasure, love, or your end in the stomach of a myriad of giant predators. If you are lucky, they will be playful. quot 3 pages. Black Widow by MrCaliban nbsp overview quotThe famous marvelquot 10 pages. SMT: Vore by Allemone nbsp overview quotA shin megami tensei vore interactive story. No MM or FF. Make sure you use good grammar, and focus on the demons only. quot 1 pages. a new life for balto and jenna by ertp12 nbsp overview quotbalto has been mistreated by the town for so long do to being half wolf will balto act vengeance on the town or will he still show kindness to them still and as for jenna and her human friend david whats instore for them read to find out (cv, av, ov and ub is allowed)quot 6 pages. Attack on Titan vore by Hereforvore nbsp overview quotFF, and female eaten by Titans. No guro, scat or hard vore, but anything else quot 1 pages. Forest of Lost Children by G0DF1RE nbsp overview quotyou are a small (( Boy Girl or Herm Your choice )) Who has been lost, abandoned what have you and now. you need a home. a mommy. and foodDrink and this forest you are in is sure to have food, shelter and a loving mommy or two as youve heard in your short life so farquot 3 pages. Lost and scared by sideris nbsp overview quotdgdgdquot 8 pages. Vored by fictional girls by Hereforvore nbsp overview quotGet eaten by many girls from fiction, whether film, cartoon, anime or other Work in progress, will probably be very empty for a while. quot 2 pages. Isis the Kitsunes Quest by IsistheKitsune nbsp overview quotIsis is a powerful kitsune mother. Her children have been kidnapped, and her husband murdered. Go out on many adventures as her. quot 4 pages. Behind the dress code be monsters by crime0edge nbsp overview quotYou are a teacher at a school for monster girls. They all wear lavish clothing to hide their appearance but you are going to tutor them one on one. All vore types welcome as long as pred is a monster girl. Option to be a female teacher in first page. quot 40 pages. Teleportation Trouble by Cobbly nbsp overview quotBeing a Young Magical Boygirl isnt easy. Teleporting your conscious into an object is even harder. Having that object be in a bathroom Aw jeezquot 27 pages. Motherly Plush VoreUnbirth by Tornadochaser1 nbsp overview quotYou have gotten a plush for your birthday. Then, all of the sudden, it comes to life. And wants to treat you with the best care, which is to put you in her plush tummy. This should be fun. quot 2 pages. Metroid: PvP by Layab547 nbsp overview quotYou are Samus Aran, a bounty hunter renowned throughout the galaxy. You have been contracted by the Wildest Dreams corporation to investigate their outposts on frontier planet D1-G321, all of which have mysteriously gone silent. Before that, however, the Federation has a simpler task for you: clear out a Space Pirate freighter that was recently detected orbiting that very planet. (Solo Project. Will contain both Pred and Prey scenes, as well as all kinds of Vore, and optional digestion and disposal scenes. A WIP)quot 15 pages. Human in an anthro Academy by Alexthedrawer12 nbsp overview quotIn the year 2030 mankind has created the technology to travel through different dimensions. There was only one problem. They were only able to find one dimesion. This new dimension was called Dimension X had intelligent life in it, the the inhabitants of this world were unlike anything seen before. They were animal humanoids, and there were many different exotic animal humanoids. The inhabitants were later called anthros because the scientists couldnt think of anything else. Not long after humans and anthros had decided to have peace between the two different worlds. After much discussion between the two races, they decided to start out small. They had decided that they would do an interworld student exchange program to see if humand and anthros could get along. And it just so happens, you are the human ambassador. Boy isnt that fun. Your name is Sigmond Williams and you have been assigned to go to a top class high school and you are to live there in the dorms for as long as it takes. Rules: 1.You can add any character you want weither it is your own OCs into this. Any species is welcome. 2. Anything can go on here. It can go from vore(any kind) to 18. 3. Dont kill any of the anthros. 4. Dont kill the main character. 5. Have fun. Bios: Sigmond Williams: 16 year old boy and main character. He is 5quot8 with short brown hair and green eyes. He is very shy in a normal school, so he is down right scared out of his mind in an anthro school. He is also very caring and loyal to anyone he calls a friend. quot 4 pages. Family of Vore by Pornograph nbsp overview quotYou will choose one of the family members and you will decide what to do as them. quot 13 pages. Ninja Vore-Assassian Vore by Pornograph nbsp overview quotVore by any means necessaryquot 13 pages. anime vore, submission, unbirth, and almost anthing else by dragonvenom nbsp overview quotAny anime is allowed the only thing that are not is hard vore and keep scat to a minimum quot 24 pages. Paw Patrol Vore by octonautsoz nbsp overview quotIs About Paw Patrol Swallowing People Wholequot 4 pages. Decisions by Pornograph nbsp overview quotDecisions on what, when and where you do your stuffquot 1 pages. Girl Decsions by Pornograph nbsp overview quotDecisions on what, when and where you do your stuff as a girlquot 3 pages. MLP Dodge Junctions Manure Problems by ThatSickFuck nbsp overview quotMy first interactive on Aryion, this story depicts the tale of your character (OC) stuck in Dodge City (maybe on purpose) at a time where they are desperate for manure. A few henchmen from Appleloosa came to help the Cherry Hill Ranch, but they still need the materials to help. And your OC will be thrown in the middle of this. Will you survive (Story will contain: rape, soft-vore, gratuitous violence, abuse, scat, and necrophilia. You have been warned.)quot 26 pages. The Kingdom of Light by Arthotus nbsp overview quotChoose your female character from four archetypal Rpg classes, decide which edge of the kingdom you would like to try and save from the terrors that dwell there, and set out to save the worldquot 19 pages. Heroes Never Die by slightlytoxic nbsp overview quotYou are the chosen hero of Farphren With your mighty (second hand) sword in hand, you alone must vanquish the land of Gnolls, Nagas, Dire Wolves, Man-eating plants, and countless other perils And of course, the evil dragon king Dangmarr. Everyone is very confident you wont die horribly. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: EXTREME CONTENT: Watch out for Rape, Torture, Snuff, Bestiality, Hard vore, Soft vore, Breathplay, Digestion, Blood, Gore, Domination, Slavery, Minor bathroom stuff and Extreme stupidity ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MALEMALE ONLY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is still a work in progress. Its my first time trying something like this, but Im gonna try and make something good that has a lot of branching options. Mostly intended as a sandbox for my sick, twisted tastes. 3cquot 21 pages. Family by F3t1sh nbsp overview quotFamily quot 1 pages. Life in Zootopia. by FrozenEvil nbsp overview quotYou are an anthropromorphic animal living in the city of Zootopia (Or Zootropolis if living in the UK), you can be small, big, pred, prey and everything inbetween ------------------------------------------------- I only have a few rules so itll be quick - No non-Zootpoia related species. (Human, fish etc.) - No armpit vore. Sorry, I just dont like that. - Anyone can contribute But please dont make a WIP page then abandon it, I will take down any pages like that. - You are allowed to use canon characters if you want to. - If you feel your kink may not be accepted by others, please put down a warning (Hard, scat etc.) - Dont make random pagespages with images with no relevance to whats on the page. ------------------------------------------------- This is entirely WIP and you can pretty much do anything within the limits of the film. quot 8 pages. Shrunk Around Your Vorarephile Friends by MeltyCG nbsp overview quotThis is a semi realistic story that while attending a convention for vorarephiles you shrink and have to figure out a way to restore yourself. quot 20 pages. Chose Your Own Adventure. Forest of Vore by SilhouetteofKid nbsp overview quotYou and your friends, Thomas and Samantha, are going a camping trip. All of you arrive and spend the time setting up, before finally sitting by the campfire and telling stories. Thomas mentions that the forest has strange creatures deep within, some of whom, enjoy having campers for snacks. Spoooooky Leaving you with the thought of monsters eating you in your sleep, you wake up to find your friends missing and youve somehow been moved to the deeper part of the forest. NOW, its up to you, the protagonist, to find your friends and escape the forest, or become lunch for creatures that dwell within No worries, though You have to power to change your fate and explore different paths, as you wonder the unforgiving forest of vore quot 12 pages. Create Your Own Story Make sure you understand the idea of Interactive Story before you create one. This is not a story request page. Until you made some effort into your own story, it is unlikely someone will just drop by and add on their own. Also, make sure you specifies any rule that story have on the description or at least on the first story page. Never leave Story Description empty If you see any problem here, please let us know by feedback. Also, you will need to login first to make a new story. Page generated in 14.281988143921 milisecondsGet Prepared For Any Interview in only 30 minutes Because you may not have a lot of time to prepare, weve designed a focused interview tests to help get you interview-ready in 30 minutes . Wawancara saya keesokan harinya dan saya ingin cepat. Mudah untuk menggunakan panduan dan ini adalah sempurna. Alex R. (Penjualan). Saya tidak punya banyak waktu untuk bersiap seperti wawancara saya keesokan harinya, jadi saya menghabiskan waktu hanya sekitar 25 menit. Ini berhasil dan saya mendapat pekerjaan itu. Terima kasih. Jennie F. (Jasa Keuangan). Saya punya wawancara keesokan harinya dan bisa, dalam waktu singkat. Untuk dipersiapkan. Terima kasih banyak. Paula C. (Keperawatan). Itu sempurna karena dikemas dengan strategi dan teknik yang bisa digunakan untuk mempersiapkan wawancara yang sulit dalam waktu singkat. David B. (Pemasaran). Saya membutuhkan sesuatu yang cepat yang bisa membantu mempersiapkan penunjukan wawancara saya karena dalam beberapa jam saja. Terimakasih Anda membantu saya menutup kesepakatan untuk pekerjaan impian saya. Praktik Kelly W. (Akuntansi) adalah yang terbaik dari semua instruktur Manajer Sumber Daya Manusia, perekrut profesional dan ahli karir semuanya sepakat: Praktik adalah cara terbaik untuk mempersiapkan diri menghadapi wawancara kerja. Kuncinya di sini adalah Anda bisa membuat kesalahan Anda sementara Anda sendiri. Pada saat Anda berlatih beberapa kali, Anda akan melihat perbedaan besar. . Tanpa bantuan untuk mempraktikkan pertanyaan dan jawaban wawancara, saya rasa saya tidak bisa menyelesaikan pekerjaan itu. Charles N. (Perbankan). Saya telah mencoba banyak program dan pelatih yang hanya memberi saya teori dan saran yang tidak berguna. Praktik lebih bermanfaat daripada membaca buku tentang wawancara karena sifatnya yang interaktif. Chris T. (Engineering) Setiap tes disiapkan sedemikian rupa sehingga membantu Anda dalam memahami penalaran yang mendasarinya dengan sangat rinci. . Anda memiliki program yang sangat bagus dan sederhana dan cepat. Saya mendapatkan pekerjaan itu dalam waktu 24 jam James K. (Layanan Pelanggan). Itu sangat mudah digunakan dan saya suka itu online sehingga saya bisa log-in dari mana saja. Id merekomendasikan tes wawancara kepada siapa saja yang serius mendapatkan pekerjaan. Sharon M. (Kesehatan). Saya benar-benar percaya bahwa kesuksesan saya dalam mendapatkan posisi ini adalah karena informasi yang saya terima dari program Anda. Ini berhasil saya memulai pekerjaan baruku besok. Terima kasih lagi Felix J. (Manajemen) Tidak Masalah Apa Jenis Pekerjaan yang Anda Wawancarai. Saat Anda Menguasai 39 Tes ini. Anda Bisa Ace Wawancara dan Tanah Setiap Pekerjaan di Setiap Perusahaan Memulai Sekarang untuk hanya 11,95. Program Anda adalah alat hebat yang membantu saya mempersiapkan diri untuk wawancara dan meningkatkan kepercayaan diri saya. Mudah diikuti dan bernilai setiap sen yang dihabiskan Brian M. (Pendidikan). Saya telah merekomendasikan tes wawancara kepada teman dan mereka juga memberi saya umpan balik yang sangat positif. Uang dibelanjakan dengan baik. Cristina S. (Ritel) Sementara membaca, Anda dapat yakin bahwa pesaing terbesar Anda akan bekerja keras untuk mendapatkan Job Dream Anda. Isnt it time Anda harus bekerja juga Bergabunglah dengan lebih dari 5.000 pengguna bahagia Dapatkan Akses Instan. Tanpa Resiko Pemeriksaan Aman Semua rincian pembayaran Anda aman dan aman. 2CO disertifikasi sendiri dengan Program Pelabuhan Aman Perdagangan A. S.. Tanpa Risiko Setiap Jika Anda tidak puas dengan pembelian Anda, dalam 120 hari sejak tanggal pembelian, kami akan mengembalikan sepenuhnya biaya pesanan Anda. 2Checkout Inc. (Ohio, AS) adalah fasilitator pembayaran untuk layanan yang diberikan oleh LMNN Group. Anda tidak akan pernah mendapatkan Ayub jika Anda tidak memiliki Jawaban Baik untuk pertanyaan wawancara pekerjaan yang sering diajukan Pilih jawaban yang tepat untuk menentukan apakah Anda siap untuk sukses wawancara kerja. Mengapa Anda Ingin Pekerjaan Ini Pilih jawaban yang benar: Saya ingin mendapatkan pengetahuan dan pengalaman dalam bidang pekerjaan ini memberikan pengembangan karir jangka panjang Pekerjaan ini merupakan kesempatan nyata bagi saya untuk tumbuh dan berkembang sehingga saya dapat memberi dampak dan Membawa keuntungan bagi perusahaan Pekerjaan ini akan membantu saya mengasumsikan tingkat lain dalam karir saya Menguji Keterampilan Wawancara Kerja Anda Terima kasih telah meluangkan waktu untuk wawancara dengan kami, namun kami memutuskan untuk mempekerjakan orang lain. Tidak ada pencari kerja yang ingin mendengar kata-kata ini setelah wawancara mereka. Catatan Menjawab pertanyaan wawancara kerja ini salah bisa dikenakan biaya pekerjaan baru Anda
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